
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Government of Jamaica Committed to the Eradication of Gender Based Violence

Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport (CGES), the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange shares a photo opportunity at the launch of The Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Project with (from left) Permanent Secretary, Ministry CGES, Alison McLean; Women’s Incorporated, Joyce Hewitt and Former Senator, Imani Duncan-Price. The event took place at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston on April 4, 2016.

Minister with responsibility for Gender Affairs, the Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, has said that the Government is committed to ensuring that gender-based violence is eradicated through the use of the National Strategic Action Plan to Eliminate Gender-Based Violence in Jamaica (NSAP-GBV).

But this sounds like a typical cisgender thrusted efforted on a heteronormative construct of gender, wherein April is observed on this blog and in the United States as Sexual Assault Awareness Month this news is not comforting at all as it is limiting.

Speaking at the launch of ‘The Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Project’ at the Spanish Court Hotel in Kingston yesterday (April 4, 2016), the Minister said, “I wish to re-iterate in the strongest and most unequivocal manner that the Government of Jamaica is committed to ensuring that the scourge of violence against women and other forms of gender based violence are once and for all eradicated from this society”.

She added that once this is done, “all Jamaicans will be able to live free from the fear of harm and hurt because of domestic violence, sexual violence and other forms of gender based crimes”.

Minister Grange also highlighted the fact that gender based violence remains a critical issue and therefore a collective effort is necessary, noting that it is important to work together in order to ensure change in this area. She said, “We are not going to be able to bring about meaningful change without the active and consistent engagement of ordinary citizens, government and non-governmental organizations”.

The Minister pointed out that the NSAP-GBV, though currently in draft format, will be used to tackle gender based violence in Jamaica. “We intend to have this Action Plan before the cabinet for approval by the end of May,” she stated.

The NSAP-GBV was crafted by the Bureau of Gender Affairs and other stakeholders and will serve as a monitoring and enforcement mechanism, which will facilitate a holistic approach towards the elimination of gender based violence in Jamaica.

Let us see what the final document or policy will look like to include 'third genders' and transgender persons and such if it is the government is clear on real inclusion here.

Also see from Loop News: ‘Bureau of Women’s Affairs’ out; ‘Bureau of Gender Affairs’ in

Peace & tolerance


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