
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lesbian unauthorised photo shakedown case ends amicably

A case with origins in Kingston in 2015 involving a woman’s sensitive photos were shared on a pornographic page of her semi nude in a compromising position with other women in the shot has had some resolution brought to bear; the original shots were intended to be a joke with friends and not an all out sexually explicit affair as the women were topless but with nipples covered etc. The impacted woman responded to the Stop Think Connect campaign which was ongoing in media outlets and as part of the STEM, a science, technology initiative which offers tips on safety and raise awareness of the dangers and online profiles etc. 

The matter was brought to the attention of the cyber crimes unit and investigations led to the tracking of the male perpetrator in St Catherine; he was also found in possession of several computers with internet connection and mapping capabilities literally via Google Earth and so on, according to my source even the mapping of persons locations seems to have been ongoing when pitted against intended targets social media status messages and tweets are screen captured for example and saved by the accused.

The photos were supposedly harvested from the impacted lesbian’s Facebook profile which she did not make the shots private and she thought only her friends were the only viewers of the materials or persons would not scroll through thoroughly as her other photos in her mind were or are ‘boring’ hence persons should not be interested to go further to fulfill any curiosity, a common mistake many make and leave themselves open to all kinds of predatory depravity out there. 

I have warned of this so many times in previous outing cases via Facebook and the conjoining family and ‘friends’ on lists where publicly shared activities are seen by all and lends itself to exposure and backlash on simple things such as ‘likes’ and comments on posts/status and even the gender or perceived sexuality of the recipients of such are questioned and become grounds for online abuse or the sullying of character and or impugned motives. We have seen cases of jilted lovers as well in as far as revenge porn as well between same gender loving folks; the last one though unconfirmed was in 2015 as well with another three in 2013 as social media usage increased sharply.

The impacted woman in this matter was floored with a message from a fake profile of a male with a profile photo being a flower showing screen shots of her sensitive photos splattered on a porn themed sight and a threat in the message threatening exposure if she did not pay a hefty fee or $250K for the non-release of the materials, according to my source the woman initially responded by blocking the threatening messenger but he simply opened another account and repeated his threat whilst almost doubling the fee and hints of violence. Of course these things have no end to them as even if the amounts were satisfied another round or rounds of threats of exposure under pain of more money or else. That was where she sought help and the cops got involved. The investigations apparently though slow and timely tracked the perpetrator’s internet protocol IP address and were monitoring him for some time before the sting operation of sorts was carried out. The woman was also advised not to close her profile as yet as the evidence needed to be mounted to which she complied.

The man was subsequently nabbed and other women who were intended targets have been reached and advised appropriately with some persons closing down their old profiles on Facebook and or Instagram as well. The last case that I was aware of as well was one where the impacted woman who regularly makes status messages on her Facebook wall and in one such turn she announced (to the world) she was meeting her friend in Half Way Tree only to be met by two men as she indeed was waiting at the gas station across from the JUTC bus park; the men then accused her of being a ‘sodomite’ and the whole nine yards and also accused her and her type as stealing away good women or words to that effect. She made good her escape via darting through the busy area nearby to Burger King and the coaster buses and her accusers lost track of her even as she could hear their voices identifying her.

The investigators have asked the present case victim to testify in the matter to which she has been reticent but the good thing about it is that it did not escalate to sexual assault and abuse; thanks to my source who responded to previous posts in April where I have been recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. 

Persons need to scuttle their online personas frankly as the world is a way different place than before and while physical harm may not be eminent, inadvertent disclosure via social media may lead to just that and attracting the wrong time. I had offered some tips in previous posts on sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch, GJW from previous related displacements and stigmatization. Social media usage and online profile identity requires vigilance and careful thinking before one presses that send/publish or OK button. Once whatever is sent out there it cannot come back, even if the item(s) are deleted in real time, cached or screen shot versions are made and archived somewhere.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Peace & tolerance


also see related posts from sister blog GJW:

‘Tek yuh bomboclaat out a mi house battyman’ from Facebook fallout

Another young gay man is outed via Facebook 2013

Inviting an unverified third party for a hook-up can be dangerous 2013

Facebook & unintentional outings to family members ... 2012

Warning!: Fake Facebook pics and hookup dangers 2011

Concerns on older gay men & homophobic challenges 2015

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