
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Asexual Awareness Week 2016 ......

Asexual Awareness Week occurs in the later half of October, October 23rd to 29th to be precise and is created to both celebrate asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual pride and promote awareness.


The goals of Asexual Awareness Week include the following:
Promote the realisation that sexual and romantic attractions such as asexual, aromantic and similar exist,
Help people who fall under these categories understand that they are not broken or alone,

Help other people understand what these sexual and romantic attractions are to help dissolve misunderstandings,
Promote the understanding that love and sex are not intrinsically linked and that the lack of one does not make the other any less meaningful,

Promote the understanding that aromantics can still experience non-romantic love,

Spread the understanding of the discrimination and violence that people who fall under these attraction categories face,
Help decrease the violence they face such as corrective rape,

Help people understand how they can be supportive
Advertise support groups for those who might need it


Asexual Awareness Week is an international week organized by the Asexual Awareness Week (AWW) organisation to help increase people's understanding of the sexualities and romantic spectrum that fall under the 'Ace Umbrella'. 

These can include asexual, aromantic, demisexual, and grey-asexual among them. It is designed to help promote understanding of what these sexualities are and the current issues people face. This is conducted by using the dedicated week to promote relevant material online, through LGBT groups, and media outlets. This media includes pamphlets, articles, interviews, documentaries and videos.

A number of university unions also promote the week.

Asexual Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Visibility are different from the better-known Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR); TDOR specifically remembers the deceased.

Peace & tolerance


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