
Monday, November 7, 2016

Reminder: sexual orientation & gender identity are different, Trans Awareness Week

November is Transgender Awareness Week running from the first week in the month, usually the 13th to the 20th culminating in the Transgender Day of Remembrance, TDOR, remembering those who have been taken from us tragically. 

There is a piece of intellectual dishonesty as described by some and downright deception in my eyes of labelling and unqualified diagnosis of transgender persons as ‘mad’ the chief protagonist of it all is none other than Dr Wayne West in his latest round of public advocacy; he has been redirecting the criticism of his outfit Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, JCHS as ‘Crazy’ and affiliated groups namely Lovemarch, Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship, LCF aided and abetted by radio platforms such as Trinity Broadcasting and other non traditional media. Dr West’s recent references on LOVE 101FM specific to the pending transgender or gender neutral bathroom case slated to head to the US Supreme Court. He claimed in his unabashed support of Donald Trump’s attempts for the Presidency he claimed that transgender persons were ‘crazy’ among other things and went for the gender dysphoria diagnosis although he is not trained in psychology. He then sought to redefine in his mind that ‘normal persons’ in his trademark Trinidadian accent are not ‘confused’ and know who they are, definite male or female and nothing else.

When questioned by the host of the show on supporting a man (Trump) who is accused of some serious infractions and his fitness to run the most powerful government in the world (though slowly losing some credibility) Dr West quickly tried to adjust his position despite Trump is NOT anti LGBT as he has relatives who are so and indeed some of his mid to high end properties do allow same gender couples stay and wedding services, in fact there is word that he made a killing post the gay marriage SCOTUS ruling, notice Trump has not touched gay marriage all that much in his campaign for the Presidency although he has touched the business of the vacancy on the said SCOTUS with the thrust of replacing the deceased judge with another conservative; Dr West claimed to use moral equivalence to say out of the two both of whom as bad choices Trump is the better despite the obnoxiousness that has come to rub persons worldwide the wrong way.

West and others have sought to and continue to lump sexual orientation with gender identity so suggest the LGBTQI global advocacy is to impose new philosophies whilst silencing Christian voices which is not true, all this while having unfettered access to multiple traditional and social media platforms and more misguided public protests on said matters but barely as vocal and strident on other societal ills, they only respond to such when it really looks bad such as the recent Jamaica College student phone murder; one wonders of the one day protest in black was a honest response or was being used to right size the selectivity criticisms by myself and others. It makes for short work to continue to otherize LGBTQI people and they have even gone as far as pushing for intersex children to have surgeries long before they have the ability to give consent as to reassignment surgery where applicable.

West’s designation of sexual orientation as a misnomer in order to legitimize homosexuality has not gone unnoticed he claims that rigidity is the order of the day so one is either heterosexual or homosexual complete with name calling as per usual despite his so called Christian position. He totally ignores the concept of non binary gendering and has expressed fears that the upcoming SCOTUS hearing of the gender neutral bathroom matter may go in the favour of the applicants as the silencing campaign of persons like him continue, the usual victimhood ploy with is so overplayed. People such as West’s allies Betty Ann Blaine has made it her life’s work to label asylum seekers even with legitimate cases of homophobic violence outcomes as liars without any serious evidence shows the level of desperation these folks would go to in the name of God.

Remember these?:

So let’s right size some of the deception and nonsense here egregiously done in the name of some misguided or misplaced fanatical Christianity, and note the difference between the two:

Sex? Gender? These two words are often used interchangeably, but there are distinct differences.

Sex is commonly understood to be based on a person’s genitals and reproductive organs; these anatomical details are thought to define a person as male or female. Gender is often understood to refer to gender identity, meaning your internal sense of yourself as female, male, or other, regardless of biology.

Truth is what is ultimately going to come to some middle ground on this mess frankly, despite the late in coming change of the position on the buggery law from repeal to decriminalization for example as court challenges are pending, said fanatics also use the deception of a push for a full repeal to give strength to their advocacy and then claim to subscribe to God centered principles which speak to forgiveness, true tolerance and such.

Nuff said

Peace & tolerance


also see:

Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society continues its “HIV is a gay disease” campaign with more deception added

Anti Gay Religious group launches pro buggery law DVD

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