
Friday, May 19, 2017

Livin’ in a world they did not make part 2

As child’s month is observed in May I am deeply concerned more so than before as to the numerous reports of children being abused especially egregiously so as the abusers are in a position of trust. In part one originally posted on Gay Jamaica Watch some years ago I used as in this case the lyrics of a Janet Jackson 1989 Rhythm Nation a song called ‘Livin’ in a World They did not make, I hope you’ll see why; it says in part:


"Children are called the future of an adult world
They are born with spirits so innocent
Til we teach them how to hate
Add to the world's confusion
We teach our kids rules
That we don't adhere to ourselves
Right or wrong
What example can they take
The people we learn from
Forge the ideas we become

Living in a world they didn't make
Living in a world that's filled with hate
Living in a world where grown-ups break the rules
Living in a world they didn't make
Paying for a lot of adult mistakes
How much of this madness can they take
Our children"

Another previous post on this blog of that pastor and even previous posts of pastors, guardians and so on it is just too easy to go for the point of least resistance, even as the Sexual Offences Bill is being debated in the house the sense of urgency by parliamentarians seems very low. What could drive someone to sexually assault of harm even murder a child is the question of the age. In part one I took a look at LGBT and sexual orientation from a case then and my layman’s’ view of experimentation sex by teens and guidance. 

the latest data is so old but trends are clear, see more HERE, the CDA seems to be behind schedule 

The OCR is just as culpable in up to date data.

a screenshot from their website, I am not supposed to have to write for this not when they have such a nice website

In trying to ascertain the latest figures I could find from the data is dated, as for the Jamaica Information Service, JIS is a joke, meanwhile from the Child Development Agency, CDA or the Office of the Children’s Registry, OCR the numbers appear not so encouraging (Gleaner article OCR encouraging reporting) but what is the pressing matter to me why are so many pastors turning up as perpetrators and some cases so old they suggest that something is rather off. This abuse business has been festering all along; clerical/pastoral abuse reports usually are associated the Catholic Church for centuries and accusations of church authorities covering up the accusations and alleged victims re-victimised when they try to take action.

Non traditional denominations never factored so much anecdotally but since this year alone there have been multiple cases from branched such as the Moravians with three ongoing matters in court, a Pentecostal, a Seventh Day Baptist and a Revivalist all in less than twelve months; these are some of the church groups who are vehemently opposed to any sensible discussion on homosexuality and or the decriminalization of buggery, yet the near silence on this matter is telling to me. It seems some of these governing bodies know of the dark secrets and those evil ones clothed in piety within their midst. Then there are the secular perpetrators as well which can be so awful and are a distraction towards healing. The church groups for example have mastered the art of the homo-paedophile construct to back up their opposition to any buggery law amendment will somehow legitimise the abuse of children, boys in particular yet all this time as the evidence anecdotally and factually show us a totally different state of affairs. Persons such as Betty Ann Blaine of Hear The Children’s Cry and Dr Wayne West have also used the gift of gab to suggest gay men are grooming boys so no change must come in the law even without checking what is actually grooming, check out this previous post I had attempted after a simple two minute Google search and subsequent engagement with a clinical sexologist.

Ananda Dean 

While I concur with Miss Blaine's advocacy predicated on the awful case of Ananda Dean (Gleaner) and the fact that she has not been found after all these years and the subsequent Ananda alerts on television and the Facebook collaboration which are commendable but Miss Blaine needs to stop the conflation of homosexuality and paedophilia. Also see: Ananda Alert Partners With Facebook To Find Missing Jamaican Children (Gleaner)

Little Ananda whose remains were found on September 29, 2008 SCREAMS of anguish bellowed throughout the community of Belvedere in Red Hills, St Andrew yesterday as firefighters removed a heavily decomposed body believed to be that of 11-year-old Ananda Dean from a steep precipice along Cypress Drive - miles away from where she was last seen after she went missing almost two weeks ago.

"A she, a she.. Oh God," Ananda's aunt, Tamika Campbell bawled, after viewing the headless remains and then falling to the ground seconds later. Upon hearing the news, Nordia Campbell, Ananda's mother, also fainted at the thought that her daughter may have been brutally murdered.

Because of the advanced state of decomposition, no one was able to positively identify the body as that of Ananda. However, some family members, including Campbell, are convinced that it is in fact the little girl, mainly because a black size two school shoes and a navy blue uniform, similar to ones owned by the seventh-grade student of Swallowfield All-Age School, were found at the scene.

The day before, Deputy Superintendent Carol McKenzie of the police's St Andrew North Division told the Observer that DNA tests would have to be done to determine the identity of the body.

Ananda, who lived with her family on Whitehall Avenue in Kingston, was last seen on September 17 boarding a bus en route to Half-Way-Tree after school. Several of her school books were found a day after she went missing strewn along a pathway in the community of Pembroke Hall, miles away from where she was last seen.

It is in the unpacking of why a paedophile outside of physical abuse would find a child arousing, there is something we are not seeing. It is personally disturbing to me that I try not to watch too much news these days, as one case shocks the nation sometimes less than twenty four hours after another story slaps us from the news cycle in our faces. 

There are various courses that can be employed to address such issues and challenges such as pharmacological interventions to reduce libido and sexual interest in pre-pubescent individuals which is the challenge here, the orientation of the perpetrator or victim is not important as we get caught up in who is who more so than addressing the deviant interest in kids.

Then there is isolation intervention as is practiced in Florida where a sex offenders residency exists and they are monitored via ankle bracelets linked to the global GPRS systems and restriction via court order does not allow said accused to be or go near schools, parks where children socialize or even the victim’s home within a designated number of feet or yards relative to them.

Parliamentary Committee Requests Clarification From CISOCA On Rape Stats

Published:Tuesday | May 9, 2017 on the Gleaner they carried:

"Members of a parliamentary committee have requested clarification of figures from the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA) showing that 140 rape cases were sent to the High Court for the first three months of this year.

The figure, given by Justice Minister Delroy Chuck as he convened this morning’s third meeting of a committee of Parliament that's reviewing Jamaica's sexual offence laws, exceeds the numbers recorded for all of 2015 and 2016.

He said for 2015, CISOCA placed 138 cases before the Circuit Courts.

Of that number, 21 cases were disposed of.

That includes 10 convictions and 11 acquittals.

For last year, there were 122 cases of which 21 were disposed of.

Five were convictions and 16 ended in acquittals.

Of the 140 cases up to April 6 this year, CISOCA says there have been five acquittals and one conviction.

However, committee members, including Floyd Green, said a more detailed analysis was needed to, among, other things, determine the number of new cases per year and those being carried over.

Green said the data presented does not show when the reports were made and that limits understanding of how long a case spends in the court system hobbled by a slow pace.

Chuck agreed and said he will ask CISOCA for more details, which he said are needed to influence policy making."

More anon

Peace & tolerance


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