
Friday, September 10, 2010

Inadequate Research On HIV (Gleaner Letter)

The Editor, Sir:

Starting with a 'scientific' denial of global warming, W. West's letter, published September 9, seems to suggest that men who have sex with men (MSM) advocates have similarly 'misled' the UN by misrepresenting the fact that HIV incidence is increasing among MSM even in countries that have decriminalised same sex intimacy.

Once again I find West's letter disingenuous at best, or representative of sloppy research at worse. The fact is, internalised homophobia is a powerful force even in countries with decriminalisation because while laws and policies change, stigmatising attitudes and actions don't.

This leads to unsafe sex and the spread of HIV as found by Drs Theo Sandfort & Vasu Reddy of the Institute for Women's and Gender Studies & The Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, in February 2010.

First step

Decriminalisation is, therefore, only the first step called for by UNAIDS to address the HIV epidemic among MSM. They also call for the removal of stigmatising and discriminatory policies and practices which drive persons underground away from effective HIV prevention, treatment, care and support interventions.

There is also evidence that since the advent of antiretrovirals to treat HIV, more persons (not only MSMs) are once again 'enjoying' unsafe condom-less sex. AIDS is no longer viewed as a death sentence and is seen to be as treatable as gonorrhoea and syphilis.

In fact, heterosexual women are now the largest population of HIV infected individuals (UNAIDS report 2009).

There is also an alarming rise in new infections among older South African heterosexual couples. HIV is no longer a 'gay' disease as it was in the '80s. Following West's reasoning, therefore, governments should label heterosexual sex (like cigarette smoking) dangerous and perhaps criminalise it as it represents a threat to public health!

The relation between human sexuality and HIV is complex. Criminalisation of any adult consensual activity will not stop persons from engaging in it.

I am, etc.,


Montego Bay, St James

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