
Friday, January 21, 2011

Hookeeedd (a poem)

written By Empress- Veene

Been around long enough to say
I've had stuff
Been around long enough to admit
That I've had stuff
But none of it was like this

Your stuff
Your stuff is the kind people sing about
It's the prefect line in a song
that beat that speaks to the soul
Those words that stimulates mind and body, nerves and core.

You see this stuff
This is the stuff people write about
It's Epic
Heroically saving my pleasure famished soul from starvation

Its the epiphanic stimuli
It induces climatic climax
It's the kinda drug you don't wish to be rehabilitated from.

This aint no ordinary stuff
No this,
this is some high grade SHIT!

This is the kinda stuff people spend their lives searching for.
This is what happy endings is about.
This stuff will penetrate your mind with erotic memories that is never depleted or erased.
Your stuff is the most sought after stuff of the century.

See after having some a your stuff
I am so,
So drunken with pleasure
So weaken from climaxing
And so fucking high...That I've got to admit
I'm hooked on your SHIT!

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