
Friday, November 4, 2011

In The Life: Finding Home ... Homeless Awareness Month

This month's In The Life series I could not be late with posting it as it touches an issue that is close to me as you may have gleaned from the previous homeless posts and concerns shared, featured is the new True Colours home launched by Cyndi Lauper lending her support via celebrity and song of course her biggest smash "True Colours" Our poor advocacy on this issue and the use of the population as involuntary martyrs is just so unethical and smacks a kind of apartheid system well oiled and self protective systems. Lets look at best practices and see what we can get from this. November is Homeless Awareness Month as made known to us via this clip and is a recognition being used worldwide now in looking at this problem. A small shelter or at best a drop in centre would be a start for this fledgling group of mostly men, one hardly hears of same gender loving females fully homeless but maybe displaced for temporary periods.

There are an estimated 1.6-2.8 million homeless youth in the United States, up to 40% identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. IN THE LIFE examines the plight of LGBT youth experiencing homelessness.

True Colors Residence (00:09:15)

 Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Residence is the first permanent, affordable housing for at risk LGBT youth in New York City. IN THE LIFE meets the young people who are making it home

 Kicked Out (00:15:23)

 IN THE LIFE travels from New York to Illinois and California for a stark look at LGBT youth who are kicked out of their homes.

here is the Youtube version

also see: From The Pen of one of our homeless brothers


Please also see:
Hypocrisy, Continued damage control via stands or a genuine call for inclusiveness in western Jamaica?

The dark side to the homeless issue .............

3 more brothers displaced teetering on homelessness

Hypocrisy, Continued damage control via stands or a genuine call for inclusiveness in western Jamaica?

Some background to the homeless issue
As we continue to highlight a dark chapter in our LGBT history that on the face of it some would rather kept hushed this matter of homelessness among our same gender loving males and teens has created deeper rifts between supporters of the established LGBT organizations Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays its parent Jamaica AIDS Support (for Life) and others in the trenches both NGOs were set up originally to deal with and included in their mission aspects of front-line activism for seriously marginalized individuals or groups, sadly the systems have seriously fallen down in that department with a glaring absence of psycho social interventions and at least a resident social worker to deal with the psychological and behavioural problems that has beleaguered the aforementioned NGOs from the men but what does one expect if there are no behaviour change mechanisms in place? 

see related posts on the subject as well.
Settle the Score on CVM TV’s Live @ 7 (26.08.11)…the JFLAG ad campaign

Very few of our homeless brothers since the civil disobedience action in August 23 and 24 2011 have been able to survive sensibly, there are some small inroads made in terms of some cash and one or two have found a job but otherwise they are still struggling, only Wednesday evening I was approached by a few at a meeting on sexuality at a popular bar where they expressed their struggle, small pocket change dole out is NOT enough. The behavioural problems also continue to be of concern.

Peace and tolerance


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