It would seem so intended but let's examine the sequence of events:

So as the differing views as to Jamaica Forum for Lesbians Allsexuals and Gays, JFLAG continues on the rejected Public Service Announcement, PSA on tolerance are forthcoming coupled with a brewing war of words over the way forward, what seemed to be an attempted muzzling on an opinion expressed by a leading influential voice in advocacy was challenged in an unusual way, no sooner than the following opinion below as was presented in a social network group was posted it was copied and sent to the one of the leaders in the JFLAG/HIV advocacy movement who in turn proceeded to make a telephone call to the individual who made the post and in effect telling them to keep their opinions to themselves in other words.
current ad
also see my comments on the ad itself on GLBTQJA on wordpress:
Have a read of the comment below that sparked the response from advocate central in Kingston on the ad's rejection and possible way forward and decide for yourselves readers:
With that being said and the hopes that you understand where I am coming from (will explain further later at OPEN SOUL at OASIS) Our advoccacy has to be very strategic...we cannot continue to ignore these very important dynamics...I think JFLAG should pull the advert, it was not consultatory...not with the community, the media houses and/or the same persons it is intended for. The PSA is a media campaign aimed at addressing widespread social behaviour and should be treated with the seriousness the issue of homophobic violence and loss of lives dictates, and certainly not left up to the gang of 10 (regardless of how chivalrous the notion seems).
I think the PSA should be pulled admitting its shortcomings and advising that it will be redone after a process...the intention is not at all wrong...but Jamaicans cannot deal with direct a result of this advert, the acceptance that LGBT ppl on the ground has been enjoying will be there was no plan to introduce this idea in a way that people would be able to appropriately simulate the information...what is happening is that ppl with homophobic agendas now have the proof to spray propaganda to a crowd-motivated bandwaggonist set of ppl who act before they think and do not value understanding an issue and the importance of forming an individual opinion...and that is what is needs to be pulled and pulled now. In the same way a commisioner can be made to apologise for unfair statements about organised crime and the community...we should be able to step back."
Two cents continued
Earlier on another forum and on my sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch I had commented on the Jamaica Observer's article on the Ad being rejected by one television station, Television Jamaica, TVJ entitled:
Blow to gay ad - TVJ rejects J-FLAG’s PSA ....... J-FLAG says rejection of PSA unfortunate
Here is the previous ad campaign tied in with HIV issues and general human rights:
meanwhile AIDSFREEWORLD activist and letter writer Maurice Tomlinson responded:
In my opinion, this reaction to the PSA is going to test our unity as a movement. We need to pull together and make every effort to be present at spaces (other than the ones we control) where meaningful dialogue can take place. For example, despite my handing out my card to all the persons at Oasis and requesting that those interested in participating in a more 'racially representative' PSA (still not sure what that means) contact me so that we can produce same, I have not been contacted. Such an attitude of passivity leaves the few committed persons to push the work along."
the original opinion shaper then responded:
"I did not receive an invitation to the launch...just checked my email account in the event I had missed it. I was however on property at another meeting at the time, but unfortunately couldn't stay to participate in the launch. I would love you to go further into this test of it relates to a racially representative PSA, I want to make it as clear as I did last wednesday when yourself, Dane and a rep from UNAIDS visited and we discussed the PSA that my concerns are not of the 'race' of the people in the video...but that for every and any media campaign there are some due processes that must be followed that were simply not so done in this exercise, as was confirmed at OPEN SOUL last wednesday. I want to make it clear as always that I am for advocacy and a change for Jamaica regarding LGBT issues, I simply believe it needs to be strategic and contextually aware, as well as much as possible involve the community some more. Under the advice of someone I love and having once been bitten by the powers that be...I will lay my opinions to rest. A private phone call to me about my opinion on FB, even before any one has responded is appalling. I should be entitled to my opinion and given the opportunity to express same...unfortunately...things are not always as they seem...and I know this all too well from experience...kudos."
Such is the top down and condescending tone these advocates take to dissenting voices under the guise of reaching out while demanding we must contact them instead of they engaging the community, it ought to be reciprocal process.
Here are my other views in audio on the campaign.
We have so far to go in terms of unity and proper genuine, ethical advocacy, yet another glaring example of the snobbery and contempt for the community.
Also see:
Peace and tolerance
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