Jamaicans are not immune from the rolling tide that is shaping the debate on homosexuality in our world. The article, "Gay TV advert angers clerics" in the Sunday Observer of August 7, 2011, and other postings in the Gleaner leave no doubt that the tide is on the shores. Buoyed by recent successes, especially with the passage of same sex marriage law in New York, the local lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders believe the time is ripe to test the waters.
Who wants to deny love among family members? Is it love that is being projected here or is it a lifestyle? No church leader or member can promote hate of anyone and call themselves a follower of Jesus.The Bible teaches that He died for all sinners because of His great love. Still, sin is the act that is unacceptable, homosexuality and other deviant behaviours are called sin. Loving each other is good, but it's hypocritical to pretend that acceptance is the same as love. It is impossible for a Christian to accept homosexuality as lifestyle because the Bible clearly states that it is a deviant behaviour.
It is not homophobic but a belief that is grounded in the truth of the Bible. Far from being irrelevant and antiquated, the Bible's warning regarding homosexuality are eerily relevant and up to date. The book of Romans aptly describes both the perversion and the penalty: Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. And receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due (Romans 1:26-27).
It would be difficult to miss the relationship between homosexuality and the health crisis in the black community in the US.

This is just scratching the surface. Non-viral infections transmitted through homosexuality activity include gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis. Viral infections include herpes and hepatitis A and B. While there are obvious moral and medical problems with sexual promiscuity in general, it would be homophobic in the extreme to obscure the scientific realities concerning homosexuality.
It is a hate crime of unparalleled proportions to attempt to keep the population in the dark concerning these issues. It does not need a degree in physiology to realise that the human body is not designed for homosexual relationships. Spurious slogans and sound bytes do not change the scientific reality that homosexual relationships are devastating not only from psychological but also from a physiological perspective.

I am suggesting that Pamela Bridgewater keep her opinions to diplomatic issues between her country and Jamaica.
Ray G Stennett
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