
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Principal Association to address "lesbian issue" in prominent high school

From a popular all girls school in Kingston though not named has come accusations of older so called lesbians demanding sexual favours from younger students and suggested intimidatory activity. In a post on my sister blog GLBTQJA on Wordpress I implied the question or thought if this was more than just what it looks like on the surface? what if what we are hearing about is situational homosexuality at work albeit it's a same sex institution and the girls do not reside at the facility for long periods, I even went further to suggest it could be FTM or transmen just acting out their sexual over-curiosity after all we also see this behaviour in co-ed schools and far more pronounced after all LGBT teens also do "try out" their urges similar to heterosexual ones and same sex activity is even explored by teens in general if just for a brief moment. One wonders if this is due to the issue being at a prominent high school why it is now getting so much attention, this has happened before at other institutions both mixed and single sexed yet very little interest has been shown, save and except for a story which also made headlines last year in the rival paper Jamaica Observer.

Some single-sex environments that frequently become venues for situational homosexuality include prisons, military bases, ships at sea, convents and monasteries, athletic teams on tour, and boarding schools and colleges. Situational homosexual behavior is so common in these venues that in some cases nicknames have been created for those who indulge in it; for example “rugger-buggers” on rugby teams, “jailhouse turnouts” in prisons, and “lugs” for “lesbians until (college) graduation.”
The idea of situational same-sex sexual activity is not a modern one. An essay by Josiah Flynt, published in 1899, told of situational sex among the male American hobos with whom he traveled. From the armies of Alexander the Great to the trenches of World War I to Desert Storm, male soldiers have taken comfort in each other’s arms; and from harems to convents to boarding schools, women who were forcibly separated from men have been finding each other for centuries. It does NOT mean however that persons engaged in same sex actions from a situational standpoint are themselves homosexual.

Situational homosexual experience can range from the frightening, such as prison rape and sexual domination, to the comfortable, such as the lesbian experimentation that occurs within the relative safety of a college campus.
Here is the follow up in today's Gleaner
Nadisha Hunter, Staff Reporter wrote

The growing problem of sexual attacks on young girls by older girls at some schools has attracted the attention of the Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS).

The issue has also caught the attention of Children's Advocate Diahann Gordon Harrison.

Following a Gleaner report yesterday about the struggles facing the leadership of a prominent Corporate Area all-girls high school in dealing with the problem, president of JAPSS, Sharon Reid, admitted that this was a problem in some schools.
Reid told The Gleaner that the matter would be a major item of discussion at its retreat scheduled for May under the theme 'Facing Challenges of Leadership Together'.

However, Reid said the association would not be focusing only on the problem of sexual harassment.
She said the principals would be looking at challenges to societal norms in general and the problems these present.

Changed culture

"We will be addressing it but in the wider context of challenges we face in a changed culture.

"This is only one tip of the iceberg as we seek to cope with the challenges to societal norms that they (some students) have accepted as acceptable behaviour and the pressures that these young people are getting from a society telling them that there is a paradigm shift now and certain behaviours are OK," she said.

In the meantime, the children's advocate said while the issue has been highlighted in one school, her office has been getting information that it exists in others as well.
She said the issue had been overlooked for too long and it was now time for action.

"We want persons to recognise that the problem exists and we need to engage all the stakeholders and craft a policy to handle these issues in schools because homosexuality is becoming pervasive and there are lots of implications," she argued.

According to Gordon Harrison, there needs to be a public-education campaign to sensitise the offenders about the breaches they are committing.

"If it is that older girls are forcing younger girls to perform sexual acts, then the girls need to be advised that it is a criminal offence, so it is not just them satisfying their sexual desires but it is a breach of the law because girls can now be charged for grievous sexual assaults," she said.


The Star News also carried a VERY similar story in October 2011 posted HERE on GLBTQ Jamaica


Are the alleged fondlers being threatened due to their perceived sexual orientation and the perception of predatory behaviour that is twinned with homosexuality in general?

Are these females in an experimental stage of their sexual development, thus practicing same sex activity?

Were the first formers actually sexually assaulted and were they taken to a doctor for an examination or the police?

Are the schools’ guidance counselling systems providing the wrong kind of counselling to the so called victims when they maybe lesbians indeed?

Are the schools’ overlooking the sexual orientation issues of the girls involved?

Are female teachers also guilty of forced initiation to female students in some single sexed institutions as well as we have seen in heterosexual scenarios where male students make moves on female students?

Are the alleged older fondlers actually lesbians or are they just exercising psychological intimidation over the younger students while using fondling as an embarrassing ploy?

If this turns out to be true do instances like this weaken the case for tolerance and make the perception of the “homosexual lifestyle” as predatory more cemented in the minds of detractors?

Should sexual orientation be looked at seriously by the Ministry of Education and the Guidance Counseling bodies in as far as dealing with lgbt teens, early initiation and peer pressure for sexual activity?

Could the females described here be actually transmen (FTM – female to male preoperative transgender) acting out or mimicking the societal masculine roles as done by men locally to “hunt” young teens and beautiful women?

Will the principals also take into account sexual orientation and while engaging the alleged girls realise the difference between assault and experimentation?

What about the abuse already happening in co-ed schools by boys and in public sometimes in open view of school girls by older men and the shenanigans on buses with tinted windows and loud sexually laced music, will the principals also address those issues?

But with an education system devoid of really engaging sexuality and same sex issues squarely will we ever get the right answers outside of this and having to rely on a newspaper’s story? Is there a thin line between experimentation and predatory behaviour here?
It was earlier last year that the Observer published an article by Janice Budd claiming lesbian gangs were terrorizing schools in May of this year there was some panic created as well by the Jamaica Association of Guidance Counselors in Education (JAGE) when its President Dr. Grace Kelly created a stir by making several comments on the issue, among other things a Gleaner story byNadisha Hunter summed it up – “There is a challenge in the schools and the guidance association is aware of it,” she said.”What we continue to do is to provide counselling and support for these children, and to ensure that we provide them access to proper information, and through the guidance and counselling sessions, the students are given an opportunity to understand and appreciate their sexuality,” Dr Kelly added.She noted that while it has not reached the stage where any matter had to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist, she was aware that cases have been referred to other persons in the education setting because of the nature. Also See: Sex therapist Dr Sidney McGill says “Lesbianism is on the rise in Jamaica & world-wide with even young girls in co-ed schools preferring other girls”

A talk show host yesterday while engaging callers on the issue suggested that parents of the aggrieved students sue the school for endangering the morals of children as the school is negligent in allowing this issue to happen although he (Ronald Mason of Nationwide News) also suggested students should be given condoms as their actions cannot be managed on a 24hr basis so they should be afforded the protection needed so as to avoid contracting STIs and HIV.

Issues such as this JFLAG also need to wake up from slumber and deal with as same gender loving female activity perceived or not which are grossly overlooked for years by the NGO and with calls from the former President of the Lawyers’ Christian Fellowship President to have lesbian sex criminalised as well one wonders if this is ammunition to bolster the proposal, when are they going to wake up and or at least put the press release conveyor belt in motion? We only seem to hear from the goodly J about same gender loving men issues and not SGL women's issues not even a word of recognition on International Womens' Day.

We have a lot to work on and more is being added to our plate.

UPDATE now a press release from the J 11.03.12 entitled: J-FLAG CONDEMNS SEXUAL COERCION AND CALLS ON SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATORS TO DIALOGUE this response shows the the lack of forward thinking and understanding of initiation, situational homosexuality and experimentation issues. 

also see a previous post on Homosexuality in schools in St Lucia where a similar set or circumstances presented themselves with lesbian activity in a high school and how mature the response was: Homosexuality in schools in St. Lucia

Way back in 2006 allegations were that adult lesbians were visiting schools and at that time the JFLAG representative was reported to have said that no disciplinary action should be taken against the gay girls. “They should counsel them if this is what they are, but advise them that certain things are prohibited.”

However, the JFLAG repre-sentative condemned the actions of lesbians who are allegedly visiting the campuses and openly displaying their orientation.

“No one should do that. You can’t stay on the premises and do that. I don’t agree with older women going onto the campus to entice girls to do whatever with them.”

However, she said that if that is being allowed to happen on campus, school security is not performing up to par.

She disclosed that her organisation approached several schools “to give information and seminars, but they wouldn’t have it.” She believes that if permission were granted to stage the seminars, the girls would be better able to deal with the uncomfortable situation.

Peace and tolerance 


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