Coming on the heels of our own so called concerns raised about same sex issues in schools a news item was carried on St. Lucian television where the matter seemed to have been dealt with far more maturely than our educators have done in creating a kind of panic of sorts here see if you agree with the section of the interview where the interviewer said sometimes children experiment with in same sex intimacy.
See the post below for the local perspective or go HERE:
Here is the video on the subject:
Here is the video on the subject:

Discussions on homosexuality should be included as part of sex education on the island's schools, so says former chief medical officer, Dr. Stephen King. Dr. King says that students are constantly grapple with issues of homosexuality and need to be educated on the issue. The statement comes as Dr. King says that a health study conducted by the Pan Health Organization (PAHO) indicates that many children have homosexuality tendency and confusions during puberty.
Students are struggling with issues of homosexuality and need education and guidance on the matter. That’s according to former Chef Medical Officer, Dr. Stephen King. As a result – he believes sex education should include conversations on homosexuality as it is part of human sex behavior. The statement comes weeks after a female student was allegedly sexually assaulted by three other females at a secondary school on the island.
Dr. Stephen King says findings from health surveys show many children engage in homosexuality and conversation on the matter would actually lessen confusion on the issue. The pathologist by profession added that discussions at schools would also help to reduce stigma and discrimination and stop the violation of human rights against gay individuals.
The President of the Principals Association sees things differently. She believes introducing homosexuality discussions in school would just compound the uncertainty of students.
Recently the US state of Tennessee passed a "Don't Say Gay Bill," The law makes saying gay or homosexuality, let alone discussing the matter, illegal in Tennessee schools.
There is nothing wrong with including discussions on homosexuality as part of sex education in schools, so says Education Minister Arsene James.
The Minister was responding to calls for discussions on the topic to be included in the sex education curriculum to help student's grapple with issues of sexuality. Former Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Stephen King and the National Aids Program Secretariat have also supported the call.
However it has been fiercely opposed by some quarters.
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