Straight lesbophobia (no pun intended on straight) under the guise of a nicely and guardedly worded news story in today's edition I say unapologetically, the event which was first advertised from as early as January of this year had me concerned as to the venue and how were the organizers going to handle this event, bearing in mind it has been advertised quite openly and everywhere that there is a party exposed on the Internet. As the paper was sold members of the public have been reacting and on the streets certainly in Half Way Tree and it's environs persons were very vocal alluding to the lesbians being bright wid it and so forth.
The organizers also have fumbled on the promotion which was usually done underground for these types of events as I have also been apart of promoting private events for over a decade. More care should have been taken here especially given the fact that it augers to be a huge event. Simply emphasising privacy on the page is NOT enough the page itself should have been private and invited guests targeted. I wonder really if it's homophobic/lesbophobic reaction really or just frustration from the sluggish economy etc finding a target to release itself? after all people complaining bout the govt salaries and the sluggish economy plus the poor image of the JLP administration.
People like to vent in these times but that can also lead to all kinds of crap happening, anything is possible these days.
People like to vent in these times but that can also lead to all kinds of crap happening, anything is possible these days.
Picture circulating of the event

As at the creation of this post a direct response from one of the organizers was forthcoming where they said they are going ahead as planned with added security measures put in place to avoid any problems.
but on a particular social network page the following terse response appeared:
"If you think your gonna ruin my event you make a big mistake and yes i know exactly who sent this to the star, thank you for the promotion and just so you know, i hope the rest of your events don't fall short cause karma is a bitch, I am not gonna even stoop as low as to even mention the group or the promoters who did this, i have links in the journalism industry too."
Thanks for the promotion and thank the star for contacting me asking me not to cancel the event.....Its still on......INVITATIONS ONLY......and for all you haters out there that tried fucking my shit up, thank you too.
Meanwhile here is the article:
There was the RTI weekend and ATI, now make way for Lesbian Temptation Isle (LTI). A new party series catering to lesbians is being planned in Montego Bay, St James, at the end of this month.
Scheduled to take place from June 30 to July 3, LTI will be held in Ironshore, Montego Bay. The weekend is being advertised on popular social networking site as, "The biggest lesbian party weekend ever!" and "It's not just a party. It's a lifestyle."
According to the weekend's Facebook page, which was founded last year, LTI will have four parties over two days. The parties include: 'Ocean Temptation (Under The Influence)', 'Lost Planet (Extreme Conditions)', 'Lez Glow (All-White)' and 'Master and Mistress (Dominatrix Affair)'. The season band, which includes entry to all four parties, is $8,000 with each party being $2,500. VIP bands are $13,000. According to the group's page, there are 300 season bands available, and 100 bands per individual party.
The site, since its inception, has 550 'likes' on Facebook and has a 'secret' group where persons can join and learn more about the event. When THE WEEKEND STAR called the numbers advertised on the page, the group and weekend were described as being extremely private.
bands going fast
Sales for the party are seemingly going fast, as seen by a comment from the organiser on the page which said: "I never knew the season bands would have been going so fast, thanx for the support people. Bands start selling on June 1, you can call to reserve like everyone else. We courier every armband to the respective buyer. Thanx again, this weekend will be hotttt!!"
Persons have been commenting on the page saying, "This is going to be awesome' am loving this page so far and as for the party' I can't wait for it to really happen. Straight people have ATI, I think it's full time the gay community has something for ourselves where we don't have to worry about men looking us or putting argument to us. We can actually be around friends who we share a common interest in; FEMALES! I am so digging this event and its page/profile."
Another person added: "Yep, dis party can't miss me and wifey, you said it all, so need I say more?"
The privacy of the event is emphasised on the page, which states: "An invitation will be sent to persons with a security code once you've purchased your armband. The invitation will be used to collect your armband on the day of the event. Please be advised that this is to ensure that only persons within our community are attending this event."
A special guest celebrity appearance is also being hinted to take place on the final night of the event. There will also be a Sexiest Stud and Sexiest Femme competition.
There was the RTI weekend and ATI, now make way for Lesbian Temptation Isle (LTI). A new party series catering to lesbians is being planned in Montego Bay, St James, at the end of this month.
Scheduled to take place from June 30 to July 3, LTI will be held in Ironshore, Montego Bay. The weekend is being advertised on popular social networking site as, "The biggest lesbian party weekend ever!" and "It's not just a party. It's a lifestyle."
According to the weekend's Facebook page, which was founded last year, LTI will have four parties over two days. The parties include: 'Ocean Temptation (Under The Influence)', 'Lost Planet (Extreme Conditions)', 'Lez Glow (All-White)' and 'Master and Mistress (Dominatrix Affair)'. The season band, which includes entry to all four parties, is $8,000 with each party being $2,500. VIP bands are $13,000. According to the group's page, there are 300 season bands available, and 100 bands per individual party.
The site, since its inception, has 550 'likes' on Facebook and has a 'secret' group where persons can join and learn more about the event. When THE WEEKEND STAR called the numbers advertised on the page, the group and weekend were described as being extremely private.
bands going fast
Sales for the party are seemingly going fast, as seen by a comment from the organiser on the page which said: "I never knew the season bands would have been going so fast, thanx for the support people. Bands start selling on June 1, you can call to reserve like everyone else. We courier every armband to the respective buyer. Thanx again, this weekend will be hotttt!!"
Persons have been commenting on the page saying, "This is going to be awesome' am loving this page so far and as for the party' I can't wait for it to really happen. Straight people have ATI, I think it's full time the gay community has something for ourselves where we don't have to worry about men looking us or putting argument to us. We can actually be around friends who we share a common interest in; FEMALES! I am so digging this event and its page/profile."
Another person added: "Yep, dis party can't miss me and wifey, you said it all, so need I say more?"
The privacy of the event is emphasised on the page, which states: "An invitation will be sent to persons with a security code once you've purchased your armband. The invitation will be used to collect your armband on the day of the event. Please be advised that this is to ensure that only persons within our community are attending this event."
A special guest celebrity appearance is also being hinted to take place on the final night of the event. There will also be a Sexiest Stud and Sexiest Femme competition.
See what you make of it folks but I have urged the organizers to be cautious and not underestimate the national temperature on this issue, albeit that same gender loving women never normally receive this kind of reception nationally speaking although there have been sharp increases in lesbophobic attacks for the past two and a half years with corrective rape and displacement the main types of problems.
Peace and tolerance.
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