
Friday, March 21, 2014

Love on the Wire – A Jamaican Gay Love Story Book

By O’Brien Dennis

“Love on the Wire – A Jamaican Gay Love Story” is a love story set in Jamaica to challenge the class structure and the stereotype of a gay man. It suggests that a person who discovers that he is same-gender loving can dream, can aspire to love another of the same sex without fear of rejection and reprisals.

While this is a work of fiction, the aim is to change the view of homosexuals and homosexuality in a society with its cultural and religious norms, against the patina established by colonial masters, and to have readers enter into conversations about moving from tolerance, if it exists, to acceptance without reservation.

The book encourages the reader to examine him or herself and in the process, have an honest conversation about homosexuality, bi-sexuality, religion, politics, male sexual abuse and the prevailing stigma surrounding an HIV infection. It is my hope that readers, if they are heterosexual, or even if homosexual, would take the time to reexamine what it means to be homosexual and to realize that everyone has a right to be who he or she is, and to live the best life possible without fear of persecution and prosecution.

Beres Hammond's song “Love On The Wire” was my inspiration and am reminded of the many times my body was cut while going through barbed wires, physical and emotional, for love of another of the same sex. To get a personalized signed copy click on the following link

Other posts from the author on sister blog Gay Jamaica Watch:

go here: The Cries of Men

About the Author

O'Brien Dennis was born and raised in Jamaica, where he was a victim of male sexual abuse. As the executive director of the O'Brien Dennis Foundation, he researches sexual abuse and provides a safe haven for survivors and their families. He lives in Westchester County in New York State and is also the author of The Cries of Men: Voices of Jamaican Men Who Have Been Raped and Sexually Abused.

go here: Understanding Male Sexual Abuse: Why Men Remain Silent additional suggested reading the current case of a leading civil servant accused of homo-paedophilia in essence here in Jamaica and the shifting circumstances.


Youth Ministry official accused of homo-paedophile acts takes Minister, OCA & Public Services Commission to court

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