
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Student gay sex video causes a stir in central Jamaica

It was only Sunday at the ongoing Enterprise Training exercise with some forty young LGBT persons in the Sexuality session that we were discussing this very issue of safety, the use of, storage of and safety of persons with sexual materials on devices. Encryptions, hard to detect or decipher passwords, turning off ones bluetooth so one's phone cannot be accessed.

The Star News reported yesterday March 17 the above headline

Two male students from a prominent high school in central Jamaica have been implicated in a sex video which is being circulated like wildfire in sections of rural Jamaica over recent weeks.

THE STAR has learnt that the video has been making the rounds especially in the community where the school is located and has not only been angering students and teachers, but also residents, especially those who have a close relationship with the institution.

It is learnt that the video, which can be seen on several cellular phones in central Jamaica, shows the two boys, who are said to be second-form students, having anal and oral sex.

It is understood that the disgusting sex video with the boys has angered scores of other students at the school and the two have been threatened that they will be beaten if they continue to show up on the school premises.

The boys, who were in their uniform in the sex video, are reportedly unable to move around on the school compound freely, as they are mocked, jeered, and even have implements thrown at them by other boys.

It is also understood that in an effort to avoid the students being beaten, the boys have been given protection by security personnel on the school compound.

THE STAR has learnt that other students are calling for the two to be removed from the institution.

The circulation of the video has followed closely on the heels of the circulation of another sex video involving female students from another central Jamaica high school some weeks ago. That video also caused a stir across the island and angered residents of the community where the institution is located.


Sadly another one has occurred it was only earlier this year another such reported case of gay sex by teens came about but was not carried in the Star, the protection and storage of such sensitive sex tapes as it were is a cause for concern as some persons do not seem to understand the ease of manipulation of said materials with hackers and around and as indicated above open source access unbeknownst to the instrument's owner such as bluetooth access. How did the video leak is unclear but I strongly suspect it was lifted from the phone by some other party who knew of or came across it while hacking the device as has happened before. I gather that some intervention has been enacted but whether they will be moved or if their parents will continue cordial relations with them is unclear, I fear another case or cases of displacement coming from this.

flashback to 2006 at the University of the West Indies

A section of a large crowd which gathered to witness the beating of a man at the UWI campus yesterday. - ANDREW WILDES Right: The windscreen of a police vehicle which was shattered by one of the many stones flung at the police by students after the police rescued a man accused of being a homosexual. We have seen similar cases on campuses and schools one can remember the Dunoon High matter and the father of a gay youth who came to out him literally setting other students to beat him. 

In 2010 a case of a tertiary level student who had to flee due to a leaked tape as well:

then ..........

A third-year student of a tertiary level institution was forced to flee the dorm and the school recently, after a tape on which he allegedly confessed his homosexuality was released around the campus via bluetooth technology.

THE STAR was informed that the student, Pedro Lee*, who was doing a guidance-counselling course, was tricked into revealing his secret lifestyle by another student who pretended to be gay and secured the trust and confidence of the young man.

The tape, which made its rounds on the campus in late November into early December, was about 30 minutes long and involved the student sharing deep secrets and fantasies with the boy he thought was his new-found friend.

One student of the institution told THE STAR that Lee was a popular student, who was involved in several extra-curricular activities. She said, "He was involved in a lot of things, basically all the religious clubs". Lee lived on campus, where he also participated in many activities.

On the tape, the conversation suggests that Lee and the student had made previous plans to meet at a hotel, and Lee expressed his disappointment that the student did not turn up. The student also asked Lee how those around him would react if they knew he was gay, to which he responded that many would be shocked and upset.

Lee also declares the things he would do to the student if they ever had the chance to be alone, saying he would lick him "from the toes straight up". The student also coerced Lee into sharing the names of those he found attractive.

Obviously convinced that the student was someone to be trusted, Lee revealed that he had a crush on his roommate, but admitted that he could not make a move as his roommate "is not into those type of things."

Further into the conversation things got a bit more graphic.

Students of the institution told THE STAR that Lee, after realising that his secret was out, fled the hall and also stopped attending his classes and failed to show up for his exams. On his Facebook page, he is seen wearing church attire and appears to be quite interested in Christianity.
*Name Changed


Please be vigilant out there folks

Peace and tolerance


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