
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Backlash for J-FLAG Faceebook advert

It never rains but it pours, I tell you there is never a dull day in Jamaica and advocacy or the mess thereof that it has become in recent years classism, ageism, elitism and all; now this headline in the Star News, one would have thought that a careful analysis of an ad feature for Facebook should have been done prior to launch but I guess I am over-thinking here. JFLAG and indeed its newer blood have so much to learn and they refuse to take heed from older folks like me having volunteering with them from inception to working via contract up to 2010. The rudeness of some of the staff to former staff as well is most disturbing and a recent exchange with a former Programs Manager who now resides abroad displays it most clearly that something is amiss. 

Not to mention the tweet/Facebook tirade by two of the newer female advocates of the WE-Change (they both have BScs) group was even more grating to read as what appeared to be a lover's quarrel at a workshop in Trinidad was publicly displayed for all to see and embarrassingly so; then we were treated to a blog some days after to literally justify the behaviour while the author declaring that she is not a leader; then my question is why are you in the position still? I am not even going to get into too much of the frosty customer/client agency experience complaints of which are on the rise yet again from persons who try to access the office. 


Anyway the Star News carried:

Prominent gay rights activist group, Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG), has been receiving heavy backlash in cyberspace for advertising job opportunities on people's social media pages without their consent.

THE STAR understands that the organisation used a paid Facebook service called sponsored advertising, which allows people to promote goods or services on Facebook users' timelines regardless of whether they like or follow the promoter's page.

J-FLAG first advertised a job opening for a communication and social media coordinator on November 7. However, numerous disgruntled social media users took to the group's Facebook page to complain about the advertisements which have been surfacing on their timelines.

Among the comments from some social media users who expressed their dissatisfaction was one user who posted; "Big man thing don't post no J-FLAG thing on my page. If u think u need to share them delete mi right now. Idk (I don't know) where our morals have gone ... smh."

Another commented on the post saying, "Don't share J-FLAG on my page. Thank you."

"Not hating on anyone but why is this on my page?" questioned one confused Facebook user.

Such comments did not go unnoticed by supporters of the organisation as they retorted with much fire.

"The job advertised is promoting something that can help persons, and ppl are commenting that J-FLAG need God. The ignorance baffles me," said one J-FLAG supporter.

Another added, "These ppl r so silly, dunce, dark and fool like. Don't u ppl have anything to do with y'all time. We living nice an comfortable, nah worry bout y'all an y'all make it a duty to come ere to bash."

THE STAR sought to clarify whether the organisation would discontinue using sponsored advertising at the request of those who did not want to see J-FLAG content on their page, however, the correspondence has gone unanswered.


Now when the J should seek to clear the air it goes silent yet has no problem reeling press releases from the conveyor belt on less important matters, typical! I am so used to it I have become immune; the disappointment my JFLAG has turned out to be; don't even get me started on their poor record for addressing homelessness or indeed abandonment of certain lower socio economic classes saved and except for seeing them as victims. 

Then comes the pre-occupation with having a pristine image for the international community especially: See: Jaevion Nelson: PM Must Find Alternate Ways To Support LGBT Community (Gleaner Nov 2015)

Oh boi, what's next?

Peace & tolerance needed indeed


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