
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Signs he may not be the one

We are always talking about what they want in relationships 

— the type of men they want and how they want to be treated — yet many find themselves in relationships with men who don’t measure up to what they want and who don't make them happy.

Many times they sit for years waiting for these men to change into what they want, when they are the ones who chose badly in the first place.

How do you know he just isn’t right for you?

1. There’s disrespect

The number one rule in any relationship is mutual respect. A lack of respect means he won’t be willing to compromise, honour you, appreciate you, and basically everything in between. If he doesn’t have respect for you, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of pain down the line. He's not going to change.

2. He is a compulsive liar

If he lies all the time, every time, over the simplest things, then this might be a problem. You will never be able tell when he's telling the truth or how genuine he is.

3. He shouts and swears at you

Shouting and cussing at you is not part of effective communication, worse, if it is over silly things. This is no way to treat a lady. He might have anger issues and may need anger management classes.

4. He has cheated countless times

Ok, you forgave him for cheating on you the first time when he said it was a mistake. But what is his excuse for the other three times that you know of? Clearly this man is a big time cheater and you deserve better.

5. He makes you cry

If he really cared about you he would never want to see you sad. Never be with someone who makes you cry, ever. No man is worth your tears.

6. He hits you

Getting out of an abusive relationship can be difficult. Sometimes women are so afraid and belittled that they don’t know which way to turn. But know that an abuser is sick mentally, so you should get out as soon as you can.

7. He threatens you

If your man has ever told you that he’ll ‘beat the crap out of you’ if you ever cheated, or out of anger threatened to set your things alight, then take this as a sign and leave.

8. He never or hardly compliments you

You go out of your way to throw him a great birthday party, even getting him the perfect present; you get all dressed up for him; and he doesn’t even acknowledge your efforts. If he doesn’t appreciate you, let him go.

9. He flirts with others or women (the bi man that strays)

He clearly doesn’t know the boundaries of a relationship. If you’re in a committed relationship with someone the last thing you want to feel is second best to another woman.

10. He plays mind games

Some men think relationships are a game, especially those who have free membership to the Immature Club. If one minute he’s into you and the next minute he’s not, lose him. He’s not worth your time.

Hmph ... I suggest you seriously dump this fool if it doesn't improve.

Peace & tolerance


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