
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Schoolgirl booted for taking same sex kiss with another girl, ignorant school officials ......

A ST JAMES schoolgirl who was photographed kissing another female cannot be sanctioned for her actions, the school's principal has said. Apparently it was a joke but also a dare to show she is secure about where she is going, if not experimentation. Teenagers often experiment with same gender sexualised behaviour of some sort and then move on as they age. 

the related photo

A photo has been circulating on social media which shows the girl, in school uniform, lip-locked with another female, who was in casual clothes.

The principal told THE STAR that any student found guilty of bringing the school's image into disrepute could be suspended. He, however, said that the uniformed female in the photograph was no longer a student at the school which he heads. He said the child left the school more than a year ago, but did not state the circumstances of her leaving. So if it is not disciplinary reasons or poor academic performance that caused her expulsion from the school then we can safely say it was because of misplaced homophobia, indeed lesbophobia then.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education told The STAR that its policy has always been that "we do not condone or promote sexual activity among adolescents, whether the behaviour is of a homosexual or heterosexual nature". A kiss is seen as 'sexual activity' by the Ministry! this just shows the phobia inside that organization as the experimentation bit in my opening suggests; a kiss does not neccesarily needs to full on sex gay or not. But I am not surprised as the minister himself has expressed said fears of 'grooming' and other such nonsense.

"Through the Health and Family Life Education Curriculum and guidance programmes, abstinence from all forms of sexual activity is emphasized," the ministry said.

The ministry said that adolescents found engaging in sexual activity should be referred to the relevant guidance counsellor for further guidance and counselling and external referral, where necessary. Problem is these sessions have a reparative ambit as opposed to a delay or abstinence thrust as if to 'change' the students from exploring or growing into their sexuality.

"Where these issues are identified in schools, targeted interventions are also implemented to address the issue of the inappropriate sexual behaviour," the ministry said. Just because of a kiss! the most that should have happened here is warning to her not to go so public as there maybe legal implications; as well as abstinence messages and refer her to the relevant outfits for follow up.

Sad another case of a teen's growth impacted by ignorant adults; living in a world they did not make and left taught stigma & discrimination.

When can we move forwards on this issue of sexual orientation?

More anon

Peace & tolerance


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