previous posts:
Experimental Sex Again? from GLBTQ Jamaica (blogger)
Early Sexual Initiation and Lack of Perceived Risk Put Youth at Risk
The issue is that with social media access so wide and the instantaneousness of it matters once hidden can now be seen in a heartbeat subject to the sharer originator or owner of the material security or lack thereof as we have heard of hacking and unauthorised posting of persons data. After all us as adults now in hindsight can look and condemn so easily and yet forget that we too at some stage maybe not kissing the same gender but the 'dolly house' antics, you show me I show you hideaway activities and such but I understand that a line must be drawn in as far as public knowledge.
Dancehall Act Stylysh says Lesbians Linked her on Instagram after Secret Lovers' Song Controversy ....... Video Shoot to Commence
We're not lesbians - Stylysh clarifies song with Ishawna .......... And So What if They Were?
Dancehall's princess "Spice" lesbophobic rant "No Gyal To Mi Ting "
Safety month in schools, bullying, oral sex and such ........... 2011
I can remember the last case of Clarendon High School matter some months ago (see pic below) or the Spanish Town matter as well, but how do we tackle this one I ask as the girls might not be even lesbian or bisexuals for that matter but find such behaviour a means to be themselves outside of supervision and guidance.
Do we need social media etiquette of appropriateness courses and classes in schools or online?
some previous teen kissing examples:
Image blotted to protect their identity of Clarendon High girls earlier this year as well
Spanish Town High girls occurrence earlier this year
a rural school (photo) sex tape of a female and male in bushes in February of this year
We were once young too but if schools, parents and the Ministry of Education are not prepared to discuss sex and sexuality as it ought to be done with the age appropriate instruments then why are we surprised at such photos or angered at the participants suggesting they are headed into nastiness or debauchery.
The Star News reported a day ago
The lip-locked photo of two female students of an all-girls institution in St Andrew has gone viral.
It has surfaced on a social networking site, Facebook, and has received widespread condemnation from the site's users.
The photo, which contains different frames of the schoolgirls dressed in uniform, shows them sitting in each other's lap suggestively and intimately holding on to each other as if in a relationship.
The photo appears to have been shot at the school and the largest frame has the girls passionately sharing a kiss with eyes closed.
When the school was contacted, THE STAR was initially told by an administrator that she was not aware of the picture because she had not seen it.
However, our news team was directed to the principal's secretary who told us, "The principal is not available for comment. We are dealing with the situation internally."
The lip-locked photo of two female students of an all-girls institution in St Andrew has gone viral.
It has surfaced on a social networking site, Facebook, and has received widespread condemnation from the site's users.
The photo, which contains different frames of the schoolgirls dressed in uniform, shows them sitting in each other's lap suggestively and intimately holding on to each other as if in a relationship.
The photo appears to have been shot at the school and the largest frame has the girls passionately sharing a kiss with eyes closed.
When the school was contacted, THE STAR was initially told by an administrator that she was not aware of the picture because she had not seen it.
However, our news team was directed to the principal's secretary who told us, "The principal is not available for comment. We are dealing with the situation internally."
How do we address this though in terms of talking to kids about sex?
The cases of girls being abducted also needs to be raised here as curiosity can be deemed as consent by perpetrators or deviants and as this month is child's month (age of consent legally needs to be clearer) as recent Gleaner reports brought to bear:
also see:

photo from urbanislandz
Pamputae's infamous lesbian kiss, proper role models or worth the risk for entertainement gain?
Safety month in schools, bullying, oral sex and such ........... 2011
Peace and tolerance
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