Do you think the Buggery Law should be?

The Safe House Homeless LGBTQ Project 2009 a detailed look & more

In response to numerous requests for more information on the defunct Safe House Pilot Project that was to address the growing numbers of displaced and homeless LGBTQ youth in Kingston in 2007/8/9, a review of the relevance of the project as a solution, the possible avoidance of present issues with some of its previous residents if it were kept open.
Recorded June 12, 2013; also see from the former Executive Director named in the podcast more background on the project: HERE also see the beginning of the issues from the closure of the project: The Quietus ……… The Safe House Project Closes and The Ultimatum on December 30, 2009

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Transgender/transexual discourse ...... Open Mic Open Soul 22.06.11


Last evening's (June 22nd) Open Mic Open Soul was dedicated to the Transgender community also in attendance were CAISO T&T's Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation representative Colin Robinson and also representatives from Jamaican bloggers the Pink Report/Grata Foundation although both gentleman left before the discussions got really intense as usual in the latter hours of the night, three very prominent divas on the circuit were guests on the panel and the host Couture Oasis' founder and one half of the Underlined Response team as well Stacy guided the presentation along for the better part of three hours. The three divas are well known within the community and one in particular had made some national news some time ago.

Remember this?

Taken from an old post on my sister blog on the Wordpress platform:

Anyway .........
Thankfully Open Mic Open Soul for now seems to be the spot for real life LGBT exchanges and where persons of all walks can sit and enjoy a pleasant outdoor atmosphere while sipping wonderful liqueurs, juices, have a burger or fries at some point, pina coladas or red/white wine although the wine selection needs to be greatly improved from just Yellow Tail, Level UP!! CE as they always say which is their favourite tag line. Angel, Peanut and Tiana (former Miss Gay World 2009 and Dancehall Queen 2010) kept it real and simple during the exchange. Everything from cruising to transvestitism and accounts of previous transphobic and homophobic abuse were discussed openly with a captive audience. One thing was clear the "girls" knew what they were about although noticeably absent was Laura the leading Jamaican transgender figure who has been in transition since the early 2000s. Her last public appearance on record was on radio on Newstalk 93FM where she spoke of sexual identities with leading US sexologist Dr. Susan Volker and local expert and host of "Love & Sex" Dr. Karen Carpenter

See more here:

Radio program "Love & Sex" on Sexual Identities & Transgenderism (Were you born in the wrong body?)

After the opening remarks from Stacy the question "Who is a transgender person?" was posed to break into the topic, answers such as someone special, someone who has a sex change, a drag queen and other not so close response to the real thing came from participants indicating to me that we have a long way to go on this issue but it was clear though that the audience was waiting to learn more as the attentive behaviour of most was encouraging.

The audience's response to the opinions if the ladies on re-assignment surgery was telling as when I questioned them nearing the end of the spirited exchange about wanting to transition only Tiana was clear in her answer she said yes but she would still prefer to also have sexual contact with women none the less although she also sees men, the matter of trans-homo has not been really brought out openly before in any discussion that I am aware and it was suggested to be explored in the future. Trans homo covers persons who have or are or may not transition literally for e.g. Female To Male (FTM) who are attracted to males (FTM/M) and Male To Female(MTF) who are attracted to female or (MTF/F) but it was a good place to start the education process of the LB & G communities for better understanding.

Another clearer indication yet that we ought to continue this particular dialogue was the transvestic component of the ladies, the overhead projector and laptop which was set up was manipulated easily by the ladies who proudly showed photographs of themselves dressed in women's clothing and elegantly so which was in stark contrast to their features and aesthetics for the discussion. Peanut aka Barby was in full male swagger attire and it was shocking to many audience members at the complete transformation when she dawns female gowns, dressed and shorts. The outward appearance is also of vital importance for persons with gender dysphoria who feel they are not matched with what's between the ears or brain versus what's between the legs or gender represented by the genitalia present which is most distinguishing feature used to identify sex. I was pleased with the topic chosen and the reaction of the participants and panellists this can only auger well for future exchanges there or elsewhere.

Re-assignment surgery does not seem to be an option at this time as cost is a factor and the girls especially Angel is quite happy as a male but will experiment with hormones and silicone implants as she had done by surgery to her buttocks. Tiana presents publicly as a woman and passes easily so a clear indication of the use of stealth as more and more Jamaican transvestite and transgender persons are expressing themselves through dress more openly, I found it curious though that she mentioned that adults can be fooled or not recognise that the individual is a drag queen properly dressed or a cross dresser but children seem to have an innate sense or perception in recognizing them and telling it despite how careful and how beautiful the subject may look.

Alot learned here in just the first on this topic we hope we can talk more on this.

Peace and tolerance


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Changing ones mind on Gender Transition .... on de-transitioning

Prepared by A. B Kaplan fellow blogger and Psychotherapist

There are some people who undergo a gender transition (either fully or to some extent) and then regret having done so and “de-transition”.

This post attempts to explore this phenomenon.

Some reasons why this might occur include:

The person is not transsexual.

The person may have found by going through their transition that they are not in fact comfortable living in the other gender and that they feel either gender queer or more closely aligned with the natal gender. Certainly instances of transitions involving surgery might have been prevented if there were a greater attempt to determine this beforehand; however, just like with non-trans issues, we often go ahead with things we think are right for us only to discover that they aren’t. Sometimes the discovery just isn’t possible without trying it out.

The ‘real life experience’ (see WPATH’s standards of care) is an attempt to systematize this discovery process before any major surgeries.

Regardless of whether the person is truly transsexual or not, it’s possible that because of having lived so long with gender dysphoria and accompanying social and physical dissatisfaction, one may think of a full gender transition as a magical ticket to happiness. I have seen this (sometimes unconscious) wish accompanied by other unrealistic expectations such as: the idea that one will have a social community, better social skills, be more popular, etc.

When this turns out not to be true, there can be confusion and uncertainty that tends to focus on one’s gender transition. It may be that the gender transition was in the person’s best interest, yet other causes of unhappiness and personal problems had not been sufficiently explored and worked through. Sometimes with gender variant people, work on other problems are delayed because the gender issues tend to take precedence.

The person encountered too many problems with transition (i.e. dissatisfaction with their post-transition life).

These problems could include lack of family support, loss of partner, problems with transition in the workplace, disappointment with the outcome of surgery and problems “passing” as the new gender. Additionally, transitioning is hard. There are many hoops to jump through and one enters into a group of discriminated against people. This can be exceedingly disconcerting for some.

Levels of regret

Certainly a person who has made a gender transition can have certain regrets that are not extreme enough to cause them to wish to de-transition. The WPATH Standards of Care notes that “cases are known of persons who have received hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery who later regretted their inability to parent genetically related children”. Other less extreme regrets can involve loss of certain benefits of privileges commonly associated with one gender or another.

Some research on regret:

Pfafflin F., Junge A. (1992) Sex Reassignment: 30 Years of International Follow-up Studies after SRS: A Comprehensive Review, 1961-1991 [publication online]. Translated from German into American English by Roberta B. Jacobson and Alf B. Meier. IJT Electronic Books.

This study looked at 70 previous studies and reviews on outcomes following sex reassignment surgery. These included 2000 individuals from 1961 to 1991. This doesn’t take into account individuals who transition without surgery. About 70% of MTF individuals were satisfied and 90% of FTM individuals.

Krege S., Bex A., Lummen G., et al. (2001). Male-to-female transsexualism: a technique, results and long-term follow-up in 66 patients. BJU International. 88:396-402.

This study shows little or no regrets possibly due to surgical advances.

also see the PDF download to the left column of this blog along with the Transgender Journal and other related resources.

Additional reading:

Transitioning – For those transgendered individuals who decide to transition (to present and live in the other sex outwardly), these emotional/psychological issues may come up:

Fears about finding a partner
  1. Impact on family relationships with parents, children, partners and other relatives
  2. Impact of relationships at work and with friends.
  3. Fears about violence and prejudice when one is read as transgendered.
  4. Feelings about having to experience surgeries, hormones, (and for MTF transsexuals) facial hair removal and voice changes.
  5. Frustration of having to change or explain legal documents (drivers license, passport, titles to property, diplomas, etc)
Post transition issues – Some issues that may arise include:

  1. Disappointment that transitioning didn’t solve all problems.
  2. Level of satisfaction with appearance
  3. Level of satisfaction with any surgeries
Emotional issues that were not addressed before.

When one decides not to transition. Not everyone is able or wants to transition. This is a perfectly valid choice for people to make. However these individuals must learn to cope with the tension that the gender dysphoria produces. Sometimes this can be helped by having times when one can cross-dress, interact with others who are aware of one’s status, talk about the issue, and take low-levels of hormones (that don’t effect the body outwardly).

Other mental health issues not related to being transgendered. Just because some one is transgendered doesn’t mean they don’t have other issues in their lives. It can be hard for some people to let themselves seek treatment for other issues when the gender dysphoria is so prominent a concern.

The good news: It’s important not to lose sight of the satisfaction one can have by acknowledging and (if possible) changing what can be changed and moving towards of one’s authentic self.

Peace and tolerance


Being Gay Not A Moral Issue (Gleaner Letter)

Another response has come to a letter sent to the Gleaner editor from an anti gay Reverend in Jamaica, see the letter and my response in the comments section of the paper HERE

Here is today's letter June 22nd


I write with reference to the letter by the Rev Rico Kaplan, titled 'Ja must cherish moral traditions', published June 21.

While one can possibly agree with part of his thesis regarding evil perpetuating itself when good people fall silent, I must disagree strongly with his equivocating homosexuality with immorality and degradation of society.

Maybe the goodly reverend could advise us, the members of the public, why is homosexuality considered immoral, outside the biblical context? Many persons in our society are not religious but tend to exhibit characteristics that would put most persons who profess 'Christian' values to shame. And why is it that human sexuality, a basic biological and human imperative, is so hypocritically moralised in our society?

Why are Jamaicans - whether gay or straight - made to feel ashamed by the American evangelicals (and their Jamaican franchises) of what is their natural sexual instinct?

a better world

It is high time that we tell these pontificators and others of such ilk that the modern world, despite the doom and gloom being preached, is an infinitely better world than the era we have left behind. If someone is gay, that does not make them immoral. Rather, it would be immoral to continue to keep homosexuals driven underground because of someone else's religious belief.

One would hope that this newspaper and the media on a whole would stop perpetuating this nonsense by publishing articles, such as the 'lesbian gangs' nonsense, which only serve to foster the environment of hate and violence which young homosexuals endure in this country.

We need to embrace diversity in this country if we ever hope to move forward. It is telling that a recent CNN article, which humorously ranked countries by their 'coolness', ranked Jamaica number 3 (what a ting if it was 2!), but noted, as a downside, our virulent homophobia.

We are fast becoming a laughing stock on the international stage, and part of it is because of the backward view some have of morality in our society.


(image from slapupsidethehead)

lest the original letter writer missed the boat the United Nations finally passed the resolution to include SOGI Sexual Orientation and Gender Issues as a part of the Universal Declaration specifically so anywhere discrimination such as these occur there is more grounds for responsibility by the governing bodies and the agents of the state to act to offer redress.

Things and times are certainly changing.

Peace and tolerance


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Homophobia 'rife in T&T


...but local gays press for equal rights

By Sue-Ann Wayow South Bureau

SISSY men, battie men, men haters.
Call them what you want, but the gays and lesbians in this country are humans like everyone else and should be treated as such. That's the view of Colin Robinson, spokesman for the Coalition Advocating for the Inclusion of Sexual Orientation (CAISO), in response to a survey that showed 69 per cent of Trinidadians were unsupportive of gays and lesbians.
The polling was done by the ANSA McAL Psychological Research Centre of the University of the West Indies
The research was commissioned by the Ministry of the People and Social Development and the results released last month.

It found that 76 per cent of persons 56 years and older were unsupportive of equal rights for homosexuals. Persons with a higher income and education level were more supportive than those who were primary educated and of a lower income. Females were more likely to be supportive than men.
The issue of equal rights has the attention of Government ministers who have had several debates pertaining to same-sex marriages in Parliament. In February, former gender affairs minister Mary King called for a national debate.
Robinson said he found the results of the report to be "very interesting".
"It does not say that those attitudes are acceptable..... we need to ensure that those attitudes don't fuel stigma and discrimination and prevent people from accessing rights. That part is the significance of the study."
Thirty-three-year-old Kenty Mitchell, who is openly gay, has been living with his partner for 14 years. Williams said he was never attracted to women.
The maxi driver from Ste Madeleine said men were more likely to be victimised if they were seen liming with a homosexual man.

"I think the majority does not really have anything against gays, but the men. They don't like other men to see you with them.They might be victimised or their friends might say they are gay, too, so that's why the men are in hiding."
He said many men, even though they had relationships with women, were attracted to others of their sex, but were hiding.
Mitchell, who boasts of a successful relationship, said nobody knew about his boyfriend except those who live in his area because he wanted to protect his loved one from daily discrimination.
"You are living your life pleasing to you and people are discriminating you so people who are gay or bisexual or whatever they are not coming out in the open because people tend to look at you funny."
Some of Mitchell's family members do not speak to him and he said his partner was the main person in his life.

"I would love to get married because if something happened to me today or tomorrow if I die, my family will contest it. If my friend have to get anything, my family would fight him down to the end and he has to get everything. They would not give him what is his own."
He said he would even like to have his own family if possible. And the government had full responsibility in making that happen, he said.
Robinson said some think that people do not deserve equal rights, which was alarming.
"We need desperately to create and Government needs to take leadership in creating a culture that says everyone has equal rights regardless to who they are."

He said homophobia — a negative attitude towards homosexuals and transgender individuals — created a social culture. "It is a climate that says that some people can be deprived the rights based on who they are and it could be gay people and lesbians today, it could be Hindus or Spiritual Baptists or any other group that is not the majority of the population."
Robinson said, "The recommendations in the study are about strengthening the protection of people from discrimination and I would add further creating a culture of equal rights for everyone in the country. We need to do more work to create a culture of equality for everyone."
He said people are willing to socialise with gay people and, because of that, attitudes will change and "people become humanised over the course of time."
More "sophisticated questions" should be asked by researchers to "really understand the context in which attitudes and behaviour is related to sexuality," Robinson said.
"How you ask the question will shape the answer that you get. What would have happened if people in had been asked do you believe that any group in Trinidad and Tobago should be discriminated against based on who they are?"

He said the responses from the various groups were expected.
" Those differences are well known in other settings, that gender and income and education all influence people responses to questions around sexual gives us hope that with greater exposure and education that people's attitudes change."
Dr Gabrielle Hosein, lecturer at the Institute for Gender and Developmental Studies at the University of the West Indies in St Augustine, said all citizens should have the right to choose their partner, to marry, to inherit from their spouse or from their common-law partner and to be free of discrimination.

"We are living in a multicultural society, so we need to live in a society where the views of different persons are not necessarily imposed on others."
"The fact that certain sexual relations are criminalised and others are not speaks to a discrepancy and also hypocrisy in ways in which the state sees sex," Hosein said.
The report recommends —"The necessary legal framework should be put in place to protect homosexual persons from discriminatory practises. Legislation alone would not change attitudes and therefore,integrative approaches should be considered. The challenge of communicating with institutions that have strong philosophies against homosexuality will need to be addressed in attempting to reduce discrimination."


Anti gay Reverend on: Jamaica Must Cherish Moral Traditions ......

The following letter appeared in today's Gleaner have a read and my subsequent response and see what you make of it, I hope the Gleaner's website admin(s) approve my comment to be published

Jamaica Gleaner Company

I have been saddened by so many articles lately featuring the degradation of Jamaican society. A few weeks ago, there was an article about lesbian gangs in the schools bothering young girls.

I read about that 11-year-old boy who just a few days ago tragically hanged himself, and I also read about the escalation of violence in the public schools.

Coming from the States, I have watched the systematic destruction of American society over the last 20 years. The social scientists, the economic pundits, and the secular humanists all have tried to 'fix' American society, and it has done nothing but get worse.

homosexuality widespread

Rampant homosexuality fills American streets, amorality runs wild, rudeness is accepted out of fear, and young people have lost all respect for the older generations.

We must never forget that evil proliferates only when good men and women don't speak up.

If this spiral is not stopped soon, Jamaica, too, will join the ranks of other modern societies where traditional, sound and healthy morals and ethics have been abandoned and replaced by a disastrous moral anarchy that, historically, has resulted in the downfall of many great civilisations.


Kingston 8
My short response was:

"rampant homosexuality, where is it in Jamaica? don't confuse isolated cases of same sex paedophilia with youth initiation and or experimentation with same gender loving activities that the newspapers have blown out of proportion for years on end, FACT most same sex paedophiles are heterosexual

one cannot force someone to become gay or better yet engage in same sex activity if they didn't agree or wanted to in the first place, everyone's sexual orientation is different and one can choose to express or act upon it as seen fit to them, paedophilia despite which gender however is a disorder that requires treatment and most consenting same gender loving adults are NOT interested in children or teens

don't let what some misguided guidance counselors out out of their own fear of the unknown using scare tactics crying wolf when it is only a sheep

and what about men of the cloth who are paedophiles too? how convenient that in your letter you forgot to include them in your castigation or is it because you do not want to label your fellow ministers as such since y'all holy and righteous

also the other side of the coin must be looked at there is something called teleiophilia which is where teens or pubescent persons are erotically attracted to adults, one wonders if alot of that is not right here in Jamaica we often hear of school girls who openly say that want a "big man" to go with as boys in their age group "caan do di wuk"

finally isn't your job and primary focus to win souls for the kingdom (whoever and whatever that soul maybe) and not judge?"

In an old post entitled "What is the Church Really about?" I took a simple look at what I thought then in 2009 the issues wrong with how the church in general is quick to lambaste homosexuality as if it is a bigger "sin" than anything else and "heterosexual typed sins" were more permissible such as a church sister getting pregnant before wedlock and no retribution or loud condemnation but if someone is found to be gay they are read out of the congregation and damned forever.

Here is an excerpt:

"I thought the church was about winning souls for Christ no matter who that soul is, including gays and lesbians. Instead some of the "intellectuals" within the church exercise their bigoted thoughts openly setting all these preconditions before the "sinner" can even see the church door.

What about come as you are and god loves you?

Most churches dismiss persons once they are found to be gay or lesbian with little or any care, isn't that defeating the purpose of what Christ decreed we as saved persons should do....."go ye into the world and preach the gospel......" not condemn people because they don't fit your Utopian view of the world.

Sad that this is what we have become, one wonders if the church by it's actions of some of who say they are saved are giving more power to the enemy notable atheists and the anti Christ supporters when we behave with some harsh discrimination, during the conversation by the way the young man said that the pastor some Sundays ago of a church he attended said he wanted no offerings from gays. So we can now decide who want offerings from, wow.

Makes me wonder if the church and biblical doctrine is used by some to forward homophobic as well as other discriminatory views maybe that explains the attrition from it's halls and corridors as most young people aren't even interested in going to church these days.

As for using the bible as a beating stick over the heads of "sinners" is just plain wrong to me. Famous among the quotes is Leviticus 20: 13"

Read the rest HERE

Peace and tolerance


Monday, June 20, 2011

Fighting for intersexuals' rights in Kenya


South Africa's Caster Semenya runs her first race since the Berlin World Championships last year, in Lappeenranta, Eastern Finland, July 15, 2010. World 800 metres champion Semenya, returned to competition after an enforced break for controversial gender tests. REUTERS/Roni Rekomaa/Lehtikuva

By Katy Migiro

NAIROBI (TrustLaw) - South African teenage runner Caster Semenya spent two hours lying with her legs in stirrups so doctors could photograph her genitals to decide whether she was a man or a woman.

Such humiliation is a common experience for intersexuals, who are born with both male and female genitalia. And Semenya’s case is not unusual – one in 4,000 babies is sexually ambiguous at birth.

In Kenya, lawyer John Chigiti is committed to winning legal recognition for intersex people and protecting their rights.

Chigiti’s first case was that of Richard Muasya, who was being held in a male prison where he had been sexually harassed by inmates and staff.

Muasya was awarded 500,000 Kenyan shillings ($6,000) for inhuman and degrading treatment. But the judges refused to provide alternative facilities for him.

Even worse, they refused to acknowledge the challenges faced by intersexuals due to their inability to get birth certificates, which require recognition of male or female gender.

The court argued that acknowledging a third sex would open the floodgates to homosexuality, which is illegal in Kenya.

“We are not persuaded that there is (a) definite number of intersex persons in Kenya as to form a class or body of persons in respect of whose interest the petitioner can bring a representative suit… his case must be treated as an isolated case,” the judges said.

Muasya’s case is on appeal, and Chigiti is determined to fight on. He is now representing eight intersex people.


His next case is that of a three-year-old child whose parents want to perform surgery to assign the child a recognised gender.

Traditionally, doctors have been quick to perform hush-hush “corrective” surgery.

“Some parents are even willing to sell their body organs to meet the corrective surgery costs for their intersexual children,” said Chigiti.

But this has proven extremely damaging. Many intersex adults say their lives have been scarred by the operations they underwent as babies.

They often feel confused about their gender identity, even if they don’t know they were born intersex. Some attempt suicide.

The Lancet journal found that those who were left as nature made them fared as well, if not better, than those who had undergone an operation. Being themselves was more important than fitting in with society’s idea of normality.

“I am looking into the possibility of generating guidelines where such surgeries will only be done with the authority and leave of the court after hearing all sides and issues around the operation from doctors, experts and human rights experts, the child and the parents. This is the only way to realise the best interest of the child,” Chigiti said.

Chigiti spoke to TrustLaw about his commitment to providing pro bono legal services to intersexuals.
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Podcasts You may have missed or want to re-listen

A look at the fear of the feminine (Effemophobia) by Jamaican standards & how it drives the homo-negative perceptions/homophobia in Jamaican culture/national psyche.


After catching midway a radio discussion on the subject of Jamaica being labelled as homophobic I did a quick look at the long held belief in Jamaica by anti gay advocates, sections of media and homophobes that several murders of alleged gay victims are in fact 'crimes of passion' or have jealousy as their motives but it is not as simple or generalized as that.

Listen without prejudice to this and other podcasts on one of my Soundcloud channels

More uploads

Aphrodite’s PRIDE JA tackles gender identity, transgender misconceptions .....

Nationwide New Network, NNN devoted some forty five minutes of prime time yesterday evening to discuss the issue and help listeners to at least begin to process some of the information coming from the most public declaration exercise as done by Jenner. Guests on the show were Dr Karen Carpenter Board Certified Clinical Sexologist and Psychologist, ‘Satiba’ from Aphrodite’s P.R.I.D.E Jamaica of which I am affiliated and Lecturer (Sociologist) and host of Every Woman on the station Georgette Crawford Williams (sister of PNP member of parliament Damian Crawford); one of the first questions thrown at Satiba by host Cliff Hughes was why has Jenna waited so long at 65 years old to make such a life changing decision?

Satiba responded that many transwomen have to hide their true identity in life .... given her life when she was younger she was a star athlete she would have been under tremendous precious to stay in from the expectations by the public and her team etc, also owing to the fact that she had a family as a man with children one may not want to upset the flow at that time until the kids are old enough. There is a lot of burden of guilt that some persons carry in weighing the decisions of coming out or transitioning so suppression of one’s true self is the modus operandi.

Dr Carpenter cautioned after a heated exchange:

“We really must remember as professionals we must stay in our lane I will never pronounce as a Sociologist cause I am not a Sociologist ............When we have an opportunity to speak publicly we must be careful of what we say unless it is extremely well informed......”

Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica, APJ launched their website

Aphrodite's P.R.I.D.E Jamaica, APJ launched their website on December 1 2015 on World AIDS Day where they hosted a docu-film and after discussions on the film Human Vol 1

audience members interacting during a break in the event

film in progress

visit the new APJ website HERE

See posts on APJ's work: HERE (newer entries will appear first so scroll to see older ones)

Dr Shelly Ann Weeks on Homophobia - What are we afraid of?

Former host of Dr Sexy Live on Nationwide radio and Sexologist tackles in a simplistic but to the point style homophobia and asks the poignant question of the age, What really are we as a nation afraid of?

It seems like homosexuality is on everyone's tongue. From articles in the newspapers to countless news stories and commentaries, it seems like everyone is talking about the gays. Since Jamaica identifies as a Christian nation, the obvious thought about homosexuality is that it is wrong but only male homosexuality seems to influence the more passionate responses. It seems we are more open to accepting lesbianism but gay men are greeted with much disapproval.

Dancehall has certainly been very clear where it stands when it comes to this issue with various songs voicing clear condemnation of this lifestyle. Currently, quite a few artistes are facing continuous protests because of their anti-gay lyrics. Even the law makers are involved in the gayness as there have been several calls for the repeal of the buggery law. Recently Parliament announced plans to review the Sexual Offences Act which, I am sure, will no doubt address homosexuality.

Jamaica has been described as a homophobic nation. The question I want to ask is: What are we afraid of? There are usually many reasons why homosexuality is such a pain in the a@. Here are some of the more popular arguments MORE HERE

also see:
Dr Shelly Ann Weeks on Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Sexuality - What is yours?

Promised conscience vote was a fluke from the PNP ........

SO WE WERE DUPED EH? - the suggestion of a conscience vote on the buggery law as espoused by Prime Minister (then opposition leader) in the 2011 leadership debate preceding the last national elections was a dangling carrot for a dumb donkey to follow.

Many advocates and individuals interpreted Mrs Simpson Miller's pronouncements as a promise or a commitment to repeal or at least look at the archaic buggery law but I and a few others who spoke openly dismissed it all from day one as nothing more than hot air especially soon after in February member of parliament Damian Crawford poured cold water on the suggestion/promise and said it was not a priority as that time. and who seems to always open his mouth these days and revealing his thoughts that sometimes go against the administration's path.

I knew from then that as existed before even under the previous PM P. J. Patterson (often thought to be gay by the public) also danced around the issue as this could mean votes and loss of political power. Mrs Simpson Miller in the meantime was awarded a political consultants' democracy medal as their conference concludes in Antigua.

War of words between pro & anti gay activists on HIV matters .......... what hypocrisy is this?

War of words between pro & anti gay activists on HIV matters .......... what hypocrisy is this?

A war of words has ensued between gay lawyer (AIDSFREEWORLD) Maurice Tomlinson and anti gay activist Dr Wayne West (supposed in-laws of sorts) as both accuse each other of lying or being dishonest, when deception has been neatly employed every now and again by all concerned, here is the post from Dr West's blog

This is laughable to me in a sense as both gentleman have broken the ethical lines of advocacy respectively repeatedly especially on HIV/AIDS and on legal matters concerning LGBTQ issues

The evidence is overwhelming readers/listeners, you decide.

Fast forward 2015 and the exchanges continue in a post from Dr Wayne West: Maurice Tomlinson misrepresents my position on his face book page and Blog 76Crimes

Tomlinson's post originally was:

Urgent Need to discuss sex & sexuality II

Following a cowardly decision by the Minister(try) of Education to withdraw an all important Health Family Life, HFLE Manual on sex and sexuality

I examine the possible reasons why we have the homo-negative challenges on the backdrop of a missing multi-generational understanding of sexuality and the focus on sexual reproductive activity in the curriculum.

also see:


Calls for Tourism Boycotts are Nonsensical at This Time

(2014 protests New York)

Calling for boycotts by overseas based Jamaican advocates who for the most part are not in touch with our present realities in a real way and do not understand the implications of such calls can only seek to make matters worse than assisting in the struggle, we must learn from, the present economic climate of austerity & tense calm makes it even more sensible that persons be cautious, will these groups assist when there is fallout?, previous experiences from such calls made in 2008 and 2009 and the near diplomatic nightmare that missed us; especially owing to the fact that many of the victims used in the public advocacy of violence were not actual homophobic cases which just makes the ethics of advocacy far less credible than it ought to be.

See more explained HERE from a previous post following the Queen Ifrica matter and how it was mishandled

Newstalk 93FM's Issues On Fire: Polygamy Should Be Legalized In Jamaica 08.04.14

debate by hosts and UWI students on the weekly program Issues on Fire on legalizing polygamy with Jamaica's multiple partner cultural norms this debate is timely.

Also with recent public discourse on polyamorous relationships, threesomes (FAME FM Uncensored) and on social.

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Do you think Lesbians could use their tolerance advantage to help push for gay rights in Jamaica??

Violence & venom force gay Jamaicans to hide

a 2009 Word focus report where the history of the major explosion of homeless MSM occurred and references to the party DVD that was leaked to the bootleg market which exposed many unsuspecting patrons to the public (3:59), also the caustic remarks made by former member of Parliament in the then JLP administration.

The agencies at the time were also highlighted and the homo negative and homophobic violence met by ordinary Jamaican same gender loving men.

The late founder of the CVC, former ED of JASL and JFLAG Dr. Robert Carr was also interviewed.

At 4:42 that MSM was still homeless to 2012 but has managed to eek out a living but being ever so cautious as his face is recognizable from the exposed party DVD, he has been slowly making his way to recovery despite the very slow pace.

Thanks for your Donations

Hello readers,

Thank you for your donations via Paypal in helping to keep this blog going, my limited frontline community work, temporary shelter assistance at my home and related costs. Please continue to support me and my allies in this venture that has now become a full time activity. When I first started blogging in late 2007 it was just as a pass time to highlight GLBTQ issues in Jamaica under then JFLAG's blogspot page but now clearly there is a need for more forumatic activity which I want to continue to play my part while raising more real life issues pertinent to us.

Donations presently are accepted via Paypal where buttons are placed at points on this blog(immediately below, GLBTQJA (Blogspot), GLBTQJA (Wordpress) and the Gay Jamaica Watch's blog as well. If you wish to send donations otherwise please contact: or

Activities & Plans: ongoing and future
  • Work with other Non Governmental organizations old and new towards similar focus and objectives

  • To find common ground on issues affecting GLBTQ and straight friendly persons in Jamaica towards tolerance and harmony

  • Exposing homophobic activities and suggesting corrective solutions

  • Continuing discussion on issues affecting GLBTQ people in Jamaica and elsewhere

  • Welcoming, examining and implementing suggestions and ideas from you the viewing public

  • Present issues on HIV/AIDS related matters in a timely and accurate manner

  • Assist where possible victims of homophobic violence and abuse financially, temporary shelter(my home) and otherwise

  • Track human rights issues in general with a view to support for ALL
Thanks again for your support.

Tel: 1-876-841-2923


Information & Disclaimer

Individuals who are mentioned or whose photographs appear on this site are not necessarily Homosexual, HIV positive or have AIDS.

This blog contains pictures that may be disturbing. We have taken the liberty to present these images as evidence of the numerous accounts of homophobic violence meted out to alleged gays in Jamaica.

Faces and names withheld for the victims' protection.

This blog not only watches and covers LGBTQ issues in Jamaica and elsewhere but also general human rights and current affairs where applicable.

This blog contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences.

If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such materials, please view labels, post list or exit.

Since HIV infection is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics.

This blog is not designed to provide medical care, if you are ill, please seek medical advice from a licensed practitioner

Thanks so much for your kind donations and thoughts.

As for some posts, they contain enclosure links to articles, blogs and or sites for your perusal, use the snapshot feature to preview by pointing the cursor at the item(s) of interest. Such item(s) have a small white dialogue box icon appearing to their top right hand side.

Recent Homophobic Cases

CLICK HERE for related posts/labels and HERE from the gayjamaicawatch's BLOG containing information I am aware of. If you know of any such reports or incidents please contact or call 1-876-841-2923

Peace to you and be safe out there.


What to do if you are attacked (News You Can Use)

First, be calm: Do not panic; it may be very difficult to maintain composure if attacked but this is important.

Try to reason with the attacker: Establish communication with the person. This takes a lot of courage. However, a conversation may change the intention of an attacker.

Do not try anything foolish: If you know outmaneuvering the attacker is impossible, do not try it.

Do not appear to be afraid: Look the attacker in the eye and demonstrate that you are not fearful.

This may have a psychological effect on the individual.

Emergency numbers

The police 119

Kingfish 811

Crime Stop 311

Steps to Take When Contronted or Arrested by Police

a) Ask to see a lawyer or Duty Council

b) Only give name and address and no other information until a lawyer is present to assist

c) Try to be polite even if the scenario is tensed) Don’t do anything to aggravate the situation

e) Every complaint lodged at a police station should be filed and a receipt produced, this is not a legal requirement but an administrative one for the police to track reports

f) Never sign to a statement other than the one produced by you in the presence of the officer(s)

g) Try to capture a recording of the exchange or incident or call someone so they can hear what occurs, place on speed dial important numbers or text someone as soon as possible

h) File a civil suit if you feel your rights have been violated. When making a statement to the police have all or most of the facts and details together for e.g. "a car" vs. "the car" represents two different descriptions

j) Avoid having the police writing the statement on your behalf except incases of injuries, make sure what you want to say is recorded carefully, ask for a copy if it means that you have to return for it

What to do

a. Make a phone call: to a lawyer or relative or anyone

b. Ask to see a lawyer immediately: if you don’t have the money ask for a Duty Council

c. A Duty Council is a lawyer provided by the state

d. Talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police

e. Tell your lawyer if anyone hits you and identify who did so by name and number

f. Give no explanations excuses or stories: you can make your defense later in court based on what you and your lawyer decided

g. Ask the sub officer in charge of the station to grant bail once you are charged with an offence

h. Ask to be taken before a justice of The Peace immediately if the sub officer refuses you bail

i. Demand to be brought before a Resident Magistrate and have your lawyer ask the judge for bail

j. Ask that any property taken from you be listed and sealed in your presence

Cases of Assault:An assault is an apprehension that someone is about to hit you

The following may apply:

1) Call 119 or go to the station or the police arrives depending on the severity of the injuries

2) The report must be about the incident as it happened, once the report is admitted as evidence it becomes the basis for the trial

3) Critical evidence must be gathered as to the injuries received which may include a Doctor’s report of the injuries.

4) The description must be clearly stated; describing injuries directly and identifying them clearly, show the doctor the injuries clearly upon the visit it must be able to stand up under cross examination in court.

5) Misguided evidence threatens the credibility of the witness during a trial; avoid the questioning of the witnesses credibility, the tribunal of fact must be able to rely on the witness’s word in presenting evidence

6) The court is guided by credible evidence on which it will make it’s finding of facts

7) Bolster the credibility of a case by a report from an independent disinterested party.

Sexual Health / STDs News From Medical News Today


CVM TV carried a raid and subsequent temporary blockade exercise of the Shoemaker Gully in the New Kingston district as the authorities respond to the bad eggs in the group of homeless/displaced or idling MSM/Trans persons who loiter there for years.

Question is what will happen to the population now as they struggle for a roof over their heads and food etc. The Superintendent who proposed a shelter idea (that seemingly has been ignored by JFLAG et al) was the one who led the raid/eviction.

Also see:
the CVM NEWS Story HERE on the eviction/raid taken by the police

also see a flashback to some of the troubling issues with the populations and the descending relationships between JASL, JFLAG and the displaced/homeless GBT youth in New Kingston: Rowdy Gays Strike - J-FLAG Abandons Raucous Homosexuals Misbehaving In New Kingston

also see all the posts in chronological order by date from Gay Jamaica Watch HERE and GLBTQ Jamaica HERE


see previous entries on LGBT Homelessness from the Wordpress Blog HERE

May 22, 2015 update, see: MP Seeks Solutions For Homeless Gay Youth In New Kingston

THE BEST OF & Recommended Audioposts/Podcasts

THE BEST OF & Recommended Audioposts/Podcasts 

The Prime Minister (Golding) on Same Sex Marriages and the Charter of Rights Debate (2009)

Other sides to the msm homeless saga (2012)

Rowdy Gays Matter 21.08.11 more HERE

Ethical Professionlism & LGBT Advocates 01.02.12 more HERE

Portia Simpson Miller - SIMPSON MILLER DEFENDS GAY COMMENT 23.12.11

2 SGL Women lost, corrective rape and virtual silence from the male dominated advocacy structure

Al Miller on UK Aid & The Abnormality of Homosexuality 19.11.11

Homosexuality is Not Illegal in Jamaica .... Buggery is despite the persons gender 12.11.11 MORE HERE 

MSM Homelessness 2011 two cents

Black Friday for Gays in Jamaica More HERE

Bi-phobia by default from supposed LGBT advocate structures?

Homeless MSMs Saga Timeline 28.08.11 (HOT!!!) see more HERE

A Response to Al Miller's Abnormality of Homosexuality statement 19.11.11

UK/commonwealth Aid Matter & The New Developments, no aid cuts but redirecting, ethical problems on our part - 22.11.11

Homophobic Killings versus Non Homophobic Killings 12.07.12

Big Lies, Crisis Archiving & More MSM Homlessness Issues 12.07.12

More MSM Challenges July 2012 more sounds HERE

GLBTQ Jamaica 2011 Summary 02.01.12 more HERE

Homosexuality Destroying the Family? .............. I Think Not!

Lesbian issues left out of the Jamaican advocacy thrust until now?

Club Heavens The Rebirth 12.02.12 and more HERE

Should gov't provide shelter for homeless msm?

National attitudes to gays survey shows 78% of J'cans say NO to buggery repeal

1st Anniversary of Homeless MSM civil disobedience (Aug 23/4) 2012 more HERE

JFLAG's rejection of rowdy homeless msms & the Sept 21st standoff .........

Atheism & Secularism may cloud the struggle for lgbt rights in Jamaica more HERE

Urgent Need to discuss sex & sexuality II and more HERE

MSM Community Displacement Concerns October 2012

The UTECH abuse & related issues

Beenieman's hypocrisy & his fake apology in his own words and more HERE

Guarded about JFLAG's Homeless shelter

Homophobia & homelessness matters for November 2012 ................

Cabinet delays buggery review, says it's not a priority & more ...........................(November 2012) prior to the announcement of the review in parliament in June 2013 More sounds HERE

"Dutty Mind" used in Patois Bible to describe homosexuals

Homeless impatient with agencies over slow progress for promised shelter 2012 More HERE

George Davis Live - Dr Wayne West & Carole Narcisse on JCHS' illogical fear

Homeless MSM Issues in New Kgn Jan 2013 .......

Homeless MSM challenges in Jamaica February 2013 more HERE

JFLAG Excludes Homeless MSM from IDAHOT Symposium on Homelessness 2013

Poor leadership & dithering are reasons for JFLAG & Jamaica AIDS Support’s temporary homelessness May 2013 more HERE

Response To Flagging a Dead Horse Free Speech & Gay Rights 10.06.13