Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Dear Editor,
I write in response to a letter written by Lorna Walker in the Observer of June 24. She states that no other animals in the animal kingdom practise homosexuality. That is untrue. There have been documented cases of various mammals, birds and even fish exhibiting this behaviour.
I had chosen to keep out of this debate because I cannot comprehend why Jamaica and conservative America find being homosexual so perverse, but I now want to add my two cents.
It is my belief that no one chooses to be homosexual: because who would really choose to live a life where you can get killed because of the partner you have? Added to that is the fact that homosexuality is not a recent development. It predates Christianity.
Of course, since most people use Leviticus 18, which also predates Christianity, as their justification for the persecution of homosexuals, let me ask this: Shouldn't adulterers be treated in the same way since they are also mentioned in this chapter?
Then, in Leviticus 19, it speaks about liars, thieves, slanderers and cheats, yet they do not receive anything close to the same censure.
Psychologists have often theorised that those who persecute homosexuals do so because they are insecure in their own sexuality, so it makes me wonder if the reason there is so much violence against homosexuals and endless discussion of their rights or lack thereof, is that it is coming from a place of insecurity.
Some proponents have taken to comparing the current situation to that of the civil rights movement. However, I prefer to compare it to Nazi Germany. As with homosexuals, Jews were not easily identified and some could actually "pass" for non-Jews which many did to try to save their lives and those of their families, although some chose to and were allowed to convert to other religions. Not that homosexuals weren't persecuted by the Nazis as well. In fact, Nazi Germany shared many of the same views about homosexuality as conservative America today, but the number persecuted or killed, or both, wasn't as great as with the Jews.
It seems that we're making up for that lack now.
But remember Galatians 5:14 (NIV): "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: 'Love your neighbour as yourself'."
Debi Scribe
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