Original Post: "Why human rights groups go wrong":
It is simplistic to think that the JFJ, IJCHR and FAST only have the JCF and JDF as the common target (the latter as the author points out "to a lesser extent") The reality is that recognizing Jamaica's crime problem, one has to also recognise that the JCF and JDF are employed to "protect and serve", not to add to the crime problem.
Only with a relatively clean force and a fair, efficient judicial system will Jamaicans have the confidence to trust in state security as opposed to private security firms (for those who can afford it) or the local don (for others who can afford this- as there is always a cost whether financially , socially or otherwise)
In case the writer of the Observer article forgot, in trying to excuse the JCF and JDF by shifting the focus to the Human rights Groups, the Police and Defense Force are employed by the State to ensure that our human rights are protected and not infringed (insofar as the country's laws enshrine human rights).
Admin - Thank you for that comment reader
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