Dear Editor,
We should support tolerance, not hate! I am appalled whenever I read some of the articles published in the Jamaican media at how the word 'homosexuality' seems to send some people in a fit of endless rage.
One of your readers, Stewart Young, had his comments published in both major papers, which were triggered by the recent anti-gay comments made in Parliament by the MP for South West St Ann, Ernest Smith. Mr Young ironically lives in a first-world country (USA), where the cornerstone of democracy is based on human rights. Why enjoy all this and then turn around to denounce the rights of others in Jamaica?
Why would anyone consume themselves in such hate/anger when life has so much more to offer? Is it because of insecurity, or is it a lack of a more informed view? I would advise Mr Young to seriously reflect on his arguments, as there are good persons as well as bad persons in every race, from every background with varying sexual preferences! For every rich (gay) man there is 'luring' boys with their wealth, you can bet there are 10 times more rich (straight) men luring girls!
As for MP Smith, I've never heard such ignorance reported in Jamaican papers in a very long time. Sometimes it's best to remain quiet, if one has nothing of substance to contribute. Mr Smith apparently dislikes gays, which is fine as that's his personal choice, but why did he need to take this to Parliament? Does the MP even realise that these were the same type of arguments that sanctioned slavery against a race?
One would assume that for the most part our elected officials are educated, yet no one dared to challenge MP Smith. It's a sad day for Jamaica when MPs like Mr Smith are allowed to 'wallow' in this type of ignorance!
In other countries the MP would've had to resign. I firmly believe that the development of any country must start with the development of the mind. When one equates a person's sexuality with domestic violence, other crimes or even the right to hold a licensed firearm, it is downright ignorant and narrow minded. Such is the human mind, overly steeped in bigotry.
P Delisser
Another Letter: Nembhard's column
Dear Editor, This is an open letter to the Rev Dr Raulston Nembhard regarding his column of February 19, "Ernest Smith's dangerous homosexual diatribe".
As a man of the cloth, you should be backing Mr Smith, not castigating him. What has come over you? The Good Book says homosexuals should be put to death. Are you therefore condemning the Bible? Speak up and let us understand where you are
coming from.
We certainly did not expect such an article from a man of God. Very disappointing. I am also disappointed in the Observer for carrying such an anti-Christian and anti-Ernie Smith's column.
Roy Wilson
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