A few gay men for Bruce's Cabinet
published: Tuesday June 17, 2008
The Editor, Sir:
After only nine months in office, the Jamaica Labour Party government, led by the self-righteous paragon of virtue Bruce Golding, is trailing the People's National Party in the latest polls. This, after a narrow victory in the 2007 elections.
There are many reasons put forward for this short-lived popularity, including the failure to show the Jamaican people that it has got things under control. And his Cabinet of 'straight' men can't seem to find solutions for the myriad of problems that are racking this country of 'Christians'. Not that a PNP administration would do better, and I don't think they can. So, Sister P, I am not in your corner, either. Gay men needed What Bruce Golding needs in his Cabinet to make it effective are a few gay men. We are brilliant, industrious, creative in our thoughts, dedicated to our craft, result-oriented, and very important, sensitive to people's needs. And we don't go around being proud for being a bigot.
Look around, Bruce, and see the organisations and institutions that are run by gays in this country and you will see what I am talking about. But you prefer to let hatred blind your eyes to people who have the potential to take this country out of the doldrums in which we are.
You are the driver, but you don't seem to know where you are going in your vortex of discrimination, failure and confusion. But while the country suffers, gays are prospering, so exclude us at your own peril.
Mr Prime Minister, your Cabinet is full of old and impotent 'straight' men. You need a few good men, gay men, to spruce it up, and put the country on a path of prosperity, and not depravity.
And what about GAP? The Gay Action Party? I think it's a brilliant idea!
I am, etc.,
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