UPDATED 25.10.09
Oh well my simplistic view got me in a some time ago with a christian friend of mine on what the church is really about here in Jamaica. I strongly put that some of their pundits spend so much time defending heterosexual-ism and vigorously making sure that homosexuality doesn't see the light of day in the recently debated Sexual Offences and the Charter of Rights Bills with the latter being debated presently.
I thought the church was about winning souls for Christ no matter who that soul is, including gays and lesbians. Instead some of the "intellectuals" within the church exercise their bigoted thoughts openly setting all these preconditions before the "sinner" can even see the church door.
What about come as you are and god loves you?
Most churches dismiss persons once they are found to be gay or lesbian with little or any care, isn't that defeating the purpose of what Christ decreed we as saved persons should do....."go ye into the world and preach the gospel......" not condemn people because they don't fit your Utopian view of the world.
Sad that this is what we have become, one wonders if the church by it's actions of some of who say they are saved are giving more power to the enemy notable atheists and the anti Christ supporters when we behave with some harsh discrimination, during the conversation by the way the young man said that the pastor some Sundays ago of a church he attended said he wanted no offerings from gays. So we can now decide who want offerings from, wow.
Makes me wonder if the church and biblical doctrine is used by some to forward homophobic as well as other discriminatory views maybe that explains the attrition from it's halls and corridors as most young people aren't even interested in going to church these days.
As for using the bible as a beating stick over the heads of "sinners" is just plain wrong to me. Famous among the quotes is Leviticus 20: 13
"If a man has sexual relations with another man they have done a disgusting thing and both shall be out to death, They are responsible for their own death"
The book also speaks of incest, having sex with a woman while she is seeing her period or sleeping with animals etc.
I understood these rules to be of the old covenant and they were intended for the ceremonies of ancient Israel as issued to Moses, The main theme of the book is to emphasis holiness of God and the ways in which the people were to worship and live to maintain holiness with God of Israel. I haven't seen anything on lesbianism in it.
I stand corrected though if you know more help me out, I am just adding my two cents but I would have thought we are now under grace not law.
Most of these books of the Bible that do speak to homosexuality never mentioned it as if God himself said it but then again he said love thy neighbour as thyself, judge not and ye shall not be judged. Romans for example was Paul's way of introducing himself to the Romans in Rome his plan was to work among them there and then gather support then move on to Spain. he wrote to explain his understanding of the christian faith and it's practical implications for the lives of Christians. While he covers the rules, conscience and holy living an underlying theme that seems to run through the book is not judging each other, something that the church these days seem to forget.
originally from Gay Jamica Watch
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