An age old question that’s posed today, with Jamaican men using their libido and penis size as the main talking points for their masculinity the question becomes even more relevant. Most feel proud that they can “mash up a gal” (hard thrusting penetration) but many women for example from a heterosexual standpoint say they have met men who are well endowed but they cannot “perform” when it comes to prolonged penetrative sex and stimulation which most of them seem to crave enjoy.
Well endowed in this instant could be penis sizes from 81/2 inches to 12 inches or as we say in the local parlance “donkey wood” the donkey is seen as the central image for penis size and when one is seen in public with a erection it is the source of much humour, animated discourse and roars of laughter as I have witnessed especially in urban areas as rural Jamaicans are used to the site.
In the MSM context from my observation we also seem to have bought into the ideas of strength and power in size and almost worship the penis so to speak in everyday conversations of past sexual escapades. The bigger the equipment the more praise a man heaps unto himself or in the case of reported encounters we glorify “the breast” size as we call it here in Jamaica. Is this glorification and almost obsessive crave for the big thing is what drives our sexual desires and the associated excitement? Or is it the many fantasies that we have that sometimes we never have the real thing so we conjour up these images of a rough encounter with a big you know what to self stimulate for compensation?
My own experiences have also confirmed some of the stories coming from heterosexual women that the size is OK but then comes the performance or lack thereof, premature ejaculation seems to be the most common thread of sexual problems in men these days and they are resorted to all kinds of aphrodisiacs to compensate. From illegally purchased pops of Viagra or Cialis to Chiney brush which is still available, to self administering “Spanish Fly to get that “High” feeling or ecstasy pills which are now available on the Jamaican circuit. Other problems include a lack of understanding romance and the associated skills for pleasure other than penetrative sex and the regular use of oral/genital stimulation to compensate for low libido which can become boring at times in my view.
With these issues of impediments to sexual performance the answer to the question the maybe a NO as those factors blocks the effects of the end result which ought to be pleasure as one defines it. Another expectation in the Jamaican context of the well endowed male is that he must match his perceived strength with power by thrusting deep and hard into the particular orifice of his choice that is vagina or anus to reinsure his passive partner that he is all man. I guess the size issue is overrated then and we are fooling ourselves. Foreplay and other outer-course or non penetrative typed sexual activity are considered irrelevant or boring for most whether gay, straight or bisexual. We may have to let each individual sexual experience sort out those issues as the animalistic need drives us to the reasoning that the more ruff we can get sexually then the better the pleasurable outcomes despite the realities in the end.
Some men have since learnt and practice regular masturbation to help to increase size as well as the activity causes the tissues in the penis to increase hence more blood flow to sustain the erection and the size when aroused. Jamaican men in previous times shone public discussion about “backing ones fist” or masturbation but that is changing with the realization that it can have an impact on penis size as well as individuality, personal choice and practices which the general population is slowly grasping. Issues like homosexuality and other sexual practices raised on various local media are slowly opening the eyes of the public to think about sexuality in a new light but it is a long and slow change.
My answer now to the question therefore is NO for now, based on the above reasoning as simple as it may look, what say you to the question of size taking into account the other factors involved in sex and sexuality?
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2 days ago
1 comment:
I think size matters to a certain extent. You want some reassurance that your partner is adequately endowed.
EVERYONE (with very few exceptions) LIES about the length of their penis, especially on sex sites.
I have never been that keen on anal penetrative sex; other stuff appeals to me more. Kinky stuff, etc.
From Jamaican imagery, you get the impression that thrusting, doggy-style, is the only thing you can do. It's sexy to watch the dancing, but if that's all a man has in his repertoire, I would find him boring.
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