Isn't the churches role to win souls for the kingdom whoever and whatever sins that soul has is of no importance?
Have a read of the letter from the Observer:
Church will not compromise on homosexuality
Dear Editor,
At times one has to look beyond achievements and positions in a person's life to debunk their arguments. For example, take this quote from Sir Ronald Sanders' column in the November 13 Sunday Observer on the subject of homosexuals' rights in the Caribbean. "Caribbean governments face serious difficulties over this issue. There is a strong prejudice in societies based on both a lack of education and reluctance to engage the issue in public fora. The Churches in the Caribbean are the most unyielding, constraining political parties from adopting a more enlightened and modern-day view of the matter." Is this a matter of facts or only the highly esteemed gentleman's opinion? I am sure there is nothing wrong if someone is prejudiced to something that is considered wrong.
In Sir Ronald's opinion, Caribbean people lack education. That's an insult to the moral intelligence of our people. No one is burning homosexuals at the stake. The dictates of our conscience tell us it is wrong to practise homosexuality because it's against the enduring moral law of God. Maybe the belief in the Creator isn't something that goes well with this enlightened gentleman. We who are of the household of faith have no hesitation to believe that God's words are eternal and truthful. The church's mandate is to preach the good news of the gospel, which is to tell the world about the saving grace that's found when you believe in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. The Bible also warns that practising homosexuals will not be a part of God's kingdom. Should the church compromise to please modern or post-modern view on homosexuality? The church of Jesus Christ will never bow to any such pressure, because we serve the true and living God. We love the homosexual sinners and pray that they will atone for their sins, but embracing the act would be like playing Russian roulette with your eternal soul. The talk of money and aid from developed countries is just a bait for us to be trapped in this morass of deviant behaviour. Let us cast off all vestige of master and servants and stand as a united people, willing to chart our own course in this world and let no one enslave our minds.
In Sir Ronald's opinion, Caribbean people lack education. That's an insult to the moral intelligence of our people. No one is burning homosexuals at the stake. The dictates of our conscience tell us it is wrong to practise homosexuality because it's against the enduring moral law of God. Maybe the belief in the Creator isn't something that goes well with this enlightened gentleman. We who are of the household of faith have no hesitation to believe that God's words are eternal and truthful. The church's mandate is to preach the good news of the gospel, which is to tell the world about the saving grace that's found when you believe in the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. The Bible also warns that practising homosexuals will not be a part of God's kingdom. Should the church compromise to please modern or post-modern view on homosexuality? The church of Jesus Christ will never bow to any such pressure, because we serve the true and living God. We love the homosexual sinners and pray that they will atone for their sins, but embracing the act would be like playing Russian roulette with your eternal soul. The talk of money and aid from developed countries is just a bait for us to be trapped in this morass of deviant behaviour. Let us cast off all vestige of master and servants and stand as a united people, willing to chart our own course in this world and let no one enslave our minds.
Ray G Stennett
I will try to respond via email and also send the writer my audio commentary on the legality so to speak of homosexuality:
Homosexuality is Not Illegal in Jamaica .... Buggery is despite the persons gender 12.11.11 by glbtqja6
Clearly as I have been repeating we, the LGBT community have serious misconceptions about what is legal versus what is being asked for. And to think homosexuality is always held up as the worse sin above all others, why is that?
The six or so passages that speak against homosexuality were never said by God or Jesus himself and for all we know we don't have any other passages at this time in the present version of the Bible or what may have been left out by the Council of Nicea in Rome when they were putting the first draft of the good book together . When Constantine Emperor then in Rome when this council was put together entered the church it was not as a penitent seeking God’s grace. He entered as the "Pontifex Maximus," Chief Religious Ruler. The faithful bishops were divested of authority when they did not consent to what Constantine ultimately decided was correct or usable for the empire. Truth was not the criteria.
What Constantine wanted was a united front for his new found state religion. He had plenty of division and divisiveness under the pagan rule with three thousand gods.
He wanted a united front to parade before the nation and was ready to cast out from religious authority all that would not bow the knee to his decisions. Hence bishops such as Arius and his associates were put down and lost voice in the spiritual heavens as they were "cast" to "the earth."
Who is the "third part"? We are schooled in fractions and in our schooling one-third denotesa proportional part of a whole. Scripture does not fit into that mold. In Zechariah 13:8, 9 we read: "And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
"And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people."
In other words judge not! and do not use the word to conveniently suit your own gains. Let the spirit guide you, if we are to be with him (God) then so be it, let him be our final judge. If we are to deal with this issue it's going to take level heads, if the writer is worried about outward displays of affection the culture will fix that, if we are worried about paedophilia mistakenly thought committed from adult male homosexuals then more enlightenment is required on the writer's part. The vast number of gay/bi males in Jamaica are disinterested in children or little boys and are more nurturing if one just asks without any moves to inappropriate sexual contact with a minor, NOT all same sex paedophilia cases are committed by same sex attracted men, in fact most perpetrators as we are told by the experts are heterosexual with deeper psychological scarring from some episode in their past that translates into sexual activity with prepubescent persons with the motivator being control and the dominance over a victim who offers the least resistance.
For an adult of any orientation to have sexual desire for children that is a diagnosable disorder homosexuality with the necessary remedies on the other hand is not the same and not categorised as a disorder since 1973.
For an adult of any orientation to have sexual desire for children that is a diagnosable disorder homosexuality with the necessary remedies on the other hand is not the same and not categorised as a disorder since 1973.
Peace and tolerance
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