During Tuesday's Parliamentary debate on the Sex Offenders Act, the St. Ann M.P. described homosexuals as violent people who should not be allowed to carry licensed firearms.
"I am very concerned at the extent to which homosexual activities seem to have overtaken this country ... I am very concerned that homosexuals in Jamaica have become so brazen, they've formed themselves into organizations and are abusive, violent and something that the Ministry of National Security must look into is why is it that so many homosexuals are licensed firearm holders," said Mr. Smith.
The MP also claimed that based on reports he had seen, that there are too many homosexuals in the police force.
"There was a report recently which has never been challenged that our security forces, particularly the Jamaican Constabulary Force, have been overrun by homosexuals ... there was a front page report in one of our daily newspapers, which has never been challenged," said Mr. Smith.
1 comment:
Obviously Mr. Smith's report sources come from the Star, X-News(does that one still exist?)or any of the other questionable evening "rags" which traffic in salacious garbage, and pander to the semi-literate.
I really thought that one had to be at least erudite to be an attorney, and that part of ones training was to sift fact from fiction, and prepare ones self before opening ones mouth...so much for my faith in the justice system.
Can someone please show me where these violent abusive homosexuals with firearms are in Jamaica, or at very least the scientific data used by Mr Smith to make his case that the police force is "overrun by homosexuals" ...Maybe Mr. Smith is confusing the terms homosexuals and homophobes...Guys lets chip in and buy the man a dictionary!
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