In two previous posts one from my days as Crisis Intervention Officer at JFLAG and another after the renaming of the blogs to reflect my views a stabbing incident was covered and some advocacy and relief was offered to him. At the time he identifed as lesbian given the low radar of transgenderism where he was stabbed multiple times in Half Way Tree instigated by a female clothing vendor nearing the present JUTC bus park beside Burger King.
the posts in question were:
Alleged Lesbian Stabbed in Open View - Police Uninterested 2008

On June 23rd a woman who was identified publicly as a lesbian by another woman was stabbed in Half Way Tree, St. Andrew at least 5 times leaving her with a collapsed lung.
She sustained a stab wound to the buttocks, 4 to her left side and was hospitalised for several days.
We have since intervened and offered financial assistance and counseling in her recovery process.
She is recouping at a friend's home.
When she tried to make a report after the incident took place the officers at the post were resistant and not interested as they claimed it was a lesbian matter and they weren't getting involved, only a verbal complaint was taken but no official report documented.
We are following this incident closely as we deem it to be homophobic in no uncertain terms.
the other post:
Alledged Lesbian Stabbed in Half Way Tree (Update) 2009
We now have permission to post pics related to this incident, here we see her recovering at a Kingston hospital last year. As promised in the original post published August 15, 2008 we managed to learn the real motive behind this case. The attack was led by another lesbian in the Half Way Tree area who incited men to attack the victim on the grounds of alleged hatred of homosexuals, when the real reason was she was in a jealous fit over an alleged ex lover of the victim.
This is a startling discovery to us as to stir up the pot of homophobic hate in our caustic environment to harm another LGBT member is just unacceptable and troubling.
The woman photographed has recovered well except for occasional pains along the area of the stab wounds and she was told by her medical team that several of her nerve endings will be permanently affected. She was in cheerful spirits when she visited us yesterday to deliver the above photographs for her file.
He known as Jay now resides in Canada and is a good sketch artist as the following from her drawings:

posted with permission
recent shots of his journey were posted publicly on his Facebook profile and I am pleased with the growth:
getting ready for surgery
good times in Canada
early photo in first few months in Canada
Mi feel good for him to know that he came to deaths door and survived and was able to rebuild.
Peace & tolerance
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