With the present climate hot again by MP Ernest Smith's comments and the discussion in the public domain ensuing (see posts following) a disussion question was posted on our NING page with an interesting response.
How feasible do you think it is to have a possible Gay/Str8 alliance to include families and supportive friends of ours???
Answer by a straight Jamaican male student living in the US
I'd say it's pretty necessary. One more voice heard is one extra bit of pressure for change, and for society to take a good look at itself and see that plenty of heteros can and do support and lifestyle choices that are different from their own, other at the very least the rights of others.
Support or lack thereof for LGBT persons is a fickle subject, we have seen many a case where families have outrightly rejected their own and even one case several years ago where a father gave his son up to a bunch of students at his school to be beaten because he found out he was gay, fortunately he was rescued by janitorial staff at the school who themselves endured blows to save him from the mob.
We have had a report only last week that a 19 year old male was outed in his community by a friend and his mother and siblings demanded he leave the home with immediate effect.
Howie seh so
How feasible do you think it is to have a possible Gay/Str8 alliance to include families and supportive friends of ours???
Answer by a straight Jamaican male student living in the US
I'd say it's pretty necessary. One more voice heard is one extra bit of pressure for change, and for society to take a good look at itself and see that plenty of heteros can and do support and lifestyle choices that are different from their own, other at the very least the rights of others.
Support or lack thereof for LGBT persons is a fickle subject, we have seen many a case where families have outrightly rejected their own and even one case several years ago where a father gave his son up to a bunch of students at his school to be beaten because he found out he was gay, fortunately he was rescued by janitorial staff at the school who themselves endured blows to save him from the mob.
We have had a report only last week that a 19 year old male was outed in his community by a friend and his mother and siblings demanded he leave the home with immediate effect.
- How can we form alliances with straight friends and family members without putting them at personal danger and risk in our hostile climate?
- How can we get tolerance levels with close friends up and functional to every one's benefit.
- How can we enlist more participation from this group in LGBT rights and tolerance issues?
Howie seh so
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