Gay joke lead to wounding
A man charged with wounding, told the court on Wednesday he did it because the man was spreading rumours that he was a homosexual.
The accused, who was charged with unlawful wounding, explained in great detail that he "perceived danger" from the complainant and attacked him in self defense.
He said the defamation of his name being carried out by the complainant was dangerous as being labelled a homosexual in Jamaica was like receiving a death sentence.
slapped with machete
He told the court he was in the Kingston Mall in the downtown area, when the complainant started making jokes and saying he was a homosexual.
He said he saw when the complainant picked up a stone and in return, he took a machete from a nearby vendor and "slapped" him with it.
The complainant, however, told the court: "We had a little dispute. I was there with my friends running a little joke."
He was stopped in his explanation by Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey, however ,who asked him what kind of joke.
He brushed the question aside and continued, " just a joke".
When asked again, he said laughing, "We were just running out 'whadeva' joke." Still perplexed, the RM asked him to explain. He said, "Me and my gay friends were down by the mall running our joke."
He said the accused attacked him with a machete and slapped him across the back.
The accused, despite trying to convince the court that he was defending himself, was sentenced to pay $5,000 or serve six months.
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