this wonderful letter came from an obviously thinking individual.
First here is an excerpt of the article referred to as written by:

Anthony Gomes
"................The Roman Catholic religion states clearly thus: "The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptised people has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament."
According to the Vatican: "The Catholic Church contests these revolutionary innovations which, in the name of freedom, seek to legitimise a union regarded by the universal consciousness as going against nature".
Apart from being in sync with the changing times, contemporary liberalism has gone beyond the realm of propriety in its expectations.
Pope Benedict XVI has issued a caution to deviants that the gender theory blurred the distinction between men and women and could thus lead to "self-destruction" of the human race.
"Saving humanity from homosexual and transsexual behaviour is just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction. Rainforests deserve, yes our protection, but the human being does not deserve less."
see below as well for full post, he went on about procreation and other matters giving the impression that he was tolerant only to have the true colours coming out read this wonderful response to the article published on February 28th 2011 written by a fellow blogger and advocate in his own right.

Dear Editor,
I write with reference to the article on February 23, 2011 , "The androgynous blurring of the sexes" in which the author, Anthony Gomes, struggles with the concepts of sex and gender within the context of the modern social revolution and his own longing for traditional values to hold firm.
This article is the best example to my recollection of how easily bigotry is masked by piety. It demonstrates how the smiling cleric can despise your very essence, but still feel compelled to proselytise in order to capitalise on some holy coupon scheme - the pie in the sky, if you will.
As much as part of me sympathises with Gomes' longing for simpler times, I find he posits non-traditional expressions of sex and gender as inimical to the continuation of the human race. Therefore, halting them becomes not just an expression of personal displeasure but a moral obligation and act of survival. This is the great deception of fundamentalists the world over.
They like to depict some sort of Sexual Armageddon in a topsy-turvy future that will come to fruition if "traditional values" are not protected. This is achieved of course by keeping marriage a binary concept for the fertile and Christian, eliminating the fluidity of gender and sexuality responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire, and inculcating from an early age that non-conformity is a threat to civilisation.
I suppose God didn't create inter-sexed persons or trans-gendered individuals. That Lucifer fellow sure is crafty!
I wish Gomes well that he might realise his dream of a world more in keeping with his own values, and I hope to God that I don't have to live in it.
Brian-Paul N Welsh
I write with reference to the article on February 23, 2011 , "The androgynous blurring of the sexes" in which the author, Anthony Gomes, struggles with the concepts of sex and gender within the context of the modern social revolution and his own longing for traditional values to hold firm.
This article is the best example to my recollection of how easily bigotry is masked by piety. It demonstrates how the smiling cleric can despise your very essence, but still feel compelled to proselytise in order to capitalise on some holy coupon scheme - the pie in the sky, if you will.
As much as part of me sympathises with Gomes' longing for simpler times, I find he posits non-traditional expressions of sex and gender as inimical to the continuation of the human race. Therefore, halting them becomes not just an expression of personal displeasure but a moral obligation and act of survival. This is the great deception of fundamentalists the world over.
They like to depict some sort of Sexual Armageddon in a topsy-turvy future that will come to fruition if "traditional values" are not protected. This is achieved of course by keeping marriage a binary concept for the fertile and Christian, eliminating the fluidity of gender and sexuality responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire, and inculcating from an early age that non-conformity is a threat to civilisation.
I suppose God didn't create inter-sexed persons or trans-gendered individuals. That Lucifer fellow sure is crafty!
I wish Gomes well that he might realise his dream of a world more in keeping with his own values, and I hope to God that I don't have to live in it.
Brian-Paul N Welsh
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