The bigger issue ought to be how to live in a pluralistic society as it is inevitable than launching a Jamaicanised version of the Ugandan anti gay strategies. They have been getting increased foreign support in cash and otherwise with a British lawyer urging them to fight to keep buggery on the books, a Singaporean anti gay activist last year who gave a lecture on so called real rights and how to watch the "gay agenda," a Jamaican couple who supposedly lost a bid to foster children in the UK after becoming complacent and not following the change in the law their while refusing to teach tolerance overall which includes that for same gender loving teens and children, Lawyers' Christian Fellowship President Shirley Richards continued anti gay thrust and paranoia over future gay marriage rights agitation from local LGBT groups when no such rights were asked for, she also seems to support tacitly support the controversial Ugandan "Kill Gays Bill" see more here:
Shirley Richards support Uganda “Kill Gays Bill?”
It was only on November 25th that the now very active Jamaica Coalition for a Healthy Society, JCHS via a radio show confused homosexuality deliberately so it seems to push their anti gay agenda and the week prior to that, it was only in yesterday's Observer we saw another Jamaican this time a male teacher clearly showing his inability to adapt to rules in the UK education system complaining he was fired because he was a Christian and supposedly opposing homosexuality. See the story HERE, let us also not forget the Home and Family Life Curriculum Fiasco and the Reverend gentleman and Minister of Education's Pandering to the religious right sentiments more so than looking at the Urgent Need for Sex & Sexuality in our schools as I fear it is this lack of the subjects properly taught for generations why we have the levels of homophobia and homo-negativity. The gay lobby has been caught fiddling after all these years of struggle with the unexpected rise in power and presence by these groups of which I have been warning about for years, they became too complacent. Now comes another story this time in today's Gleaner: 'Shun Gay Lifestyle' - South African Pastor Warns Ja About Homosexual Lobby -
Jodi-Ann Gilpin, Gleaner Writer ..............
A SOUTH African pastor on the weekend urged Jamaicans to become militant against acts of homosexuality, saying condoning such behaviours could lead to consequences of enormous proportions.Pearl Kupe, who is also an attorney-at-law, was speaking at an international conference on human rights, international law and the family, held at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston on Saturday.
"The LGBT group in South Africa doesn't only enjoy rights that every ordinary citizen has, but they have special rights and privileges," Kupe said.
South Africa's post-apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation. In December 2006, the country became the fifth country in the world, and the first in Africa, to legalise same-sex marriage. The country is considered a haven for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.
"What we are seeing here is a nation that is hungry for power and will do anything to gain such power, even if it means isolating themselves from moral standards," Kupe told the conference.She added: "They are willing to trade ethics, morality and values in exchange for global power and we cannot allow these things to infiltrate your country."
Jamaica's justice minister, Mark Golding, was guarded in his response when asked by The Gleaner to comment on Kupe's presentation.
"It's a very delicate issue because we don't want to endorse lifestyles that are not grounded in Christian values, but there are very compelling arguments on both sides," Golding said.
"On the table right now is the repeal of the buggery law which we have to carefully analyse, so I really don't want to say to much right now," he added. Kupe had used her presentation to appeal to members of the Church and civil society to help counter the spread of the homosexual lifestyle.
"We are not here by coincidence, this was ordained by God," Kupe said."We have to come together and get the stakeholders involved and mobilise the media because we can't leave here without coming up with a response plan because we are heading in a deadly direction."
Kupe said a LGBT charter, which is being considered in South Africa, is seeking to promote the universal acceptance of the gay lifestyle. She also claimed it is seeking to discredit anything or organisations that condemn homosexuality.
"What is happening now is that there is a strategy to get homosexuals in the schools and to also perpetuate homosexual propaganda at every opportunity," Kupe said.
"The LGBT is actually advocating for the teaching of homosexual behaviours in the schools, so I'm not just talking about education of homosexuals but making it an option in our schools," Kupe added.
The reverend lawyer also claims that homosexual behaviours are prevalent within places of worship.
"It is unlawful to discriminate against lesbian and gay men in church, mosque, temple, synagogues or other places of worship. This includes the right to worship at a place of their choice, right to be a member or a minister of religion regardless of sexual orientation," she said.
"But I want to make it clear that God is not a God of equality but a God of justice and, as Christians here in Jamaica, you have to make it known that Jamaica belongs to Jesus," she said.

photo not in original article ... added to make the point as it says
In the meantime, Betty Ann Blaine, convenor of Hear the Children's Cry, urged Jamaicans to say no to homosexuality.
"One of the threats to Jamaica is the argument to repeal of our buggery law, which is a challenge to all of us, not just Christians," Blaine said.
She added: "We can't possibly repeal the buggery law precisely at the same time when more and more of our children are being buggered."
During the run-up to last year's general election, Portia Simpson Miller, now prime minister, said she would support a conscience vote in Parliament on whether the buggery law should be repealed. Blaine said she is not prepared to sit back and allow Parliament alone to decide on the matter.
"I'm prepared to take this to the streets because the Parliament will not decide this. Any repeal to the buggery law must be be taken as a referendum and it's the people who must decide this," she said.
Jamaican gay activist Maurice Tomlinson yesterday described Kupe's address as "typical of the fear mongering that fundamentalists engage in to deny the human rights of homosexuals".
"Few, if any of their assertions, are supported by logic or evidence," Tomlinson said in an emailed response to The Gleaner.
According to Tomlinson, "Jamaica will continue to drive this vulnerable group underground with deadly consequences for public order and public health" if the human rights of homosexuals are ignored.
"Most tragically, homophobia forces some gay men to form relationships with women. This exposes the women, men, and any children of these unions, to untold physical and psychological harm. It is high time the Government showed leadership and put an end to this fanatical intolerance by reading down the anti-buggery law to decriminalise the private acts of consenting adults," Tomlinson said.
So we continue to see the paranoia and the unfortunate and downright dishonest linkage between adult male homosexuality, privacy and paedohpilia but why can't we repeal or decriminalize buggery and also have protections that already on the books strengthened similar to how the Irish did by having a Child Defilement Clause added to their Sexual Offences Bill?
Was Mr Tomlinson's response adequate enough or did the paper just edit what they thought was needed?
What are Betty and these other foreigners afraid of?
As for Kupe's remark about special rights, aren't there special rights for persons with disabilities or other groups, even children who ought to be and are protected have specific rights and legislation that offer protection, so what is different for specifically worded codes for LGBT people given the sensitivities involved? The aforementioned Child Defilement Clause as suggested would be one such special right/protection in one.
Does anyone notice the constant use of the term "homosexual lifestyle" by these persons, what a bigoted strategy but I am not surprised as the mantra for the JCHS blatantly espouses theocracy where it says: "Working for a Jamaican society in which Judeo-Christian values nourish and enrich the social, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health of all citizens." One of its founders Dr Wayne West operates a blog where he continuously says tolerance is equated to Jamaica accepting felching and fisting, another set of dishonest and unethical strategies to demonize male homosexuals via sexual practices when the contradiction sat right there on his blog where the overseas study's abstract he republished (he has posted many including very old ones) stated that it was a sub-group of msms who actually carry out such practices overseas more so in European cultures such as the biker and leather communities but apparently the attempt is being made to link those practices as normative in our gay culture, the depths these anti gay advocates will go to is disturbing.
Funny how years ago these same religious persons complained that the LGBT lobby had overseas aid and money and were importing a foreign lifestyle now it seems the religious right is actually using its own criticism as a strategy to push their gay agenda and all of a sudden these foreigners are not importing bigotry aided and abetted by so called Christians and a government who seems willing to roll over and have its stomach rubbed by these persons with tongue gleefully hung out like a happy dog.
Interesting also the hundreds of thousands spent on this campaign including expensive full paged ads in print media whilst the least amongst us just remains that, the least amongst us, what about our homeless and children, the boys who wipe car windows, the kids in lockups, do we see these so called religious zealots in the name of Christianity really helping those groups in a bid as they say for a healthy society? It is the things that are infront of us that must be addressed but if they have their way they'd be at our keyholes peeking to see who is pushing what in where. Sad for a country with a motto that says "Out of Many One People, rubbish, we are aeons away from such.
What would Jesus do?
HOMOSEXUALITY - A Biological Reality
HOMOPHOBIA - A Lifestyle Choice
Think on these things people, peace and tolerance.

additional reading:
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