Dear Editor,
I would like to commend publicly the human rights groups in Jamaica, especially Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) for their excellent work, despite the constant negative feedback.
I also commend their persistence and determination to continue to stand for what they believe in and what must be preserved at all costs - our rights as human beings.
As you know, it is sheer ignorance and frustration that propel the misguided voices claiming that human rights groups seem more interested in protecting the criminals. Nothing could be further from the truth. For those of us who know better, we are all too painfully aware of the pernicious nature of an unchecked and unbalanced system of state power - which is so clearly demonstrated in George Orwell's Animal Farm - in today's Zimbabwe run by the despotic Robert Mugabe, and in the many modern-day instances of gross human rights abuse which are so indelibly etched in the annals of history.
Your letter outlining some of these instances and defending your position, JFJ, though late in coming, was quite refreshing, reassuring and enlightening, and should be the start of a public education campaign to make everyone, including the media, aware of the mandates and mission of the human rights groups locally and internationally.
Thank you for being the voice for the poor and disadvantaged who are easy prey not only for criminals, but also for the perpetrators of state (police) excesses. You have given hope to them and to us that there is still an avenue for recourse when we are wronged by those who should be our protectors
Thank you for standing up and protecting what is fundamentally the core of our existence - our human rights.
J Boreland
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