With news of boys being sexually abused by adult males surfacing in the media in the recent past, we are forced to take a good look at what we can do as a society to put an end to this disgraceful act. We can no longer turn a blind eye while our men of tomorrow are turned into damaged beings. In order to fix this problem we need to change our thinking. We need to stop thinking that sex talk is taboo where our young ones are concerned. We have been given no option by the sex predators who parade not just our streets but our churches, schools and homes taking our boys’ innocence hostage while we as parents carry on in our world, oblivious of what is taking place.
The fight is made doubly difficult by the fact that most times there is no scarlet letter pinned to the chests of these perpetrators and so we may have no way of knowing or even suspecting them of any wrongdoing. Being our children’s permanent bodyguard is also out of the question. Try as we might, there are times when we have to be a part from our family whether it is to be at work or to take care of some business and our children have to attend school and other places without us being present. Therefore, the best we can do is to educate our children as to which touch is normal and which is representative of a red flag.
The perverts do not believe that a three year-old or a four year-old is too young for his advances so as parents we have to combat against that. Tell them to tell you if anyone touches them there. We cannot afford to wait until it is too late because research has shown that children, who are sexually abused, are almost never able to resume normal lives. So often, boys who are abused by males become engaged in homosexual practices despite efforts to refrain from it. Many of them hate themselves and seek counselling throughout their adult lives and very few receive any type of respite. So taking the time to offer a few cautionary words to your little ones just may end up saving them from a shattering experience.
As difficult as it may be, we cannot afford to be naïve not when the safety of our children is on the line. No one is worthy of our undying trust in this matter. We cannot afford to be so kind, when pastors, priests, teachers and even care givers have been known to commit this unfortunate crime. Nothing and no one should be more important than the safety of our children.
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