Dear Editor,
It was with shame and great anger that I watched TVJ's news on Wednesday, April 7 about a gay march in Montego Bay.
A group of gays and their supporters were allowed to march through the streets of Montego Bay, the nation's second city, promoting gay and homosexual lifestyles and asking for tolerance. Well, let me say this to those who believe they can sway the good values and straight living of the greater majority.
Leave the city!
Montego Bay already has its mountain of problems with rising and uncurbed levels of crime and a bad public image brought on by the evil deeds of the infamous scammers and skimmers, and to some extent, corrupt cops.
People who should be promoting clean and godly living have instead partnered with members of JFLAG to march for tolerance towards gays at a time when we are urging responsible sexual behaviour.
These gays and their supporters have been exploiting the minds of our innocent children, brainwashing them to believe that it is right for a man to sleep with another man. Are the parents of Montego Bay selling out their children to the devil? Before that happens I urge them to leave the city.
To all homosexuals and their supporters I say: We do not need you around here and we are not going around there because we do not deal with anything like that. Leave the city.
I am growing sick of the level of tolerance and patience we have already extended to these "rear creatures" and now they are all over the place asking for tolerance and demanding rights!
When are we going to put a stop to this? Let's get our act right, people.
This is Jamaica. Let's fight to preserve our land and protect it from the negative influence of such invaders and also their gay church.
P Walker
Montego Bay
St James
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