In reading the article on April 13, written by Jason McFarlane, I get the distinct impression that he believes that J-Flag is doing Jamaica a favour by supporting Jamaica and by not lobbying the Government to accept the homosexual way of life.
This Government, if nothing else, has firmly stated its position on such a move. The Constitution has not changed its position either. It is therefore not a favour that J-Flag and their number are doing the majority of Jamaicans but simply saving themselves.
The majority of Jamaicans are awaiting the J-Flag and their sympathisers to go to other countries which are more tolerant and leave Jamaica with its intrinsic values of non-embracing of homosexuality.
We shall not change that stance; should we do that, we could asked to relax our position on bestiality and paedophilia as well, because they are all the same sin.
Mr McFarlane, with all due respect, if you cannot accept the will of the majority of Jamaicans, please leave the country, we beg you. It is like the minority insisting that the majority capitulate for it. No, it will never happen. Just leave.
I am, etc.,
Irish Town, St Andrew
Extra notes:
Extra notes:
see the letter Jason wrote to the Observer:
so it seems the anti gay lobby is coming together again they have been silent for a while now it is sad that their rhetoric is always loaded with hate and exclusion calling for persons to leave in an ultimatory fashion yet they call themselves christians.
Wasn't Christ for the excluded and down trodden so why are the hating sections of the Church and it's fanatic voices using public space to spew hate in the name of righteousness?
At least it shows them up but we obviously have a far way to go in terms of a meeting of the minds and just realising that we are already a tolerant nation we just are afraid to own it.
More to come.
Peace and tolerance.
Until the some churches or some ministers acknowledge that their understanding of passages in the Bible may be flawed and until Gay or gay affirming Christians can be publicly and without fear be allowed to explain their beliefs, then this notion that pedophilia and bestiality and polygamy... etc are all the same sin as homosexuality will forever continue. And it will be harnessed and developed by these pastors. But what all of these persons forget is that they're taking judging us, they are committing the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, seems like they are the sodomites.
As for us to leave, we leave for many reasons but definitely not because we're 'kindly' asked to leave, we have as much right to live in this country as any other person here in Jamaica. I wonder though if all (every single) gay Jamaicans were to get up tomorrow and move to countries that are tolerant, what would it mean for this country. Yes they would continue, or yes they could rebuild. But I think it would show them that though we are persecuted our contribution to society when withdrawn would be quite visible.
You know we probably should encourage a boycott next time around since it seems that our disagreement was not needed.
I'll probably save this letter that J.M Fletcher wrote to the editor for the day when things do change. Oh to see their faces.
The "Christianity" being practiced or those proclaiming themselves as Christians need to go read their Bibles again, the hate and haughtiness, lack of sincerity, and bigotry coming from them, as I stated above, comes among the sin of Sodom and her sisters. Daily we see the true Sodomites in the rhetoric of these people. My prayer though is that God will remove the scales from their eyes, for they don't read nor 'study to show themselves approved' rather they swallow the regurgitated lies, half-truths and uncertainty from those before them. We aren't calling for them to accept for I believe that all should be able to hold their beliefs, but when it comes to spreading intolerance, and murder messages based on lies and half-truths then that's where the line in freedom of expression and beliefs needs to be drawn.
Wow!!! that's look like a post in and of itself, well said nothing to add
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